Artikelnummer 5857 Verfügbarkeit THE SARAGOSSA MANUSCRIPT (1965) * with switchable English subtitles * Wojciech Has (as Wojciech J. Has) Writers: Tadeusz Kwiatkowski, Jan Potocki (novel) Stars: Zbigniew Cybulski, Iga Cembrzynska, Elzbieta Czyzewska Geben Sie eine Produktbewertung ab. $14.99 Menge: In den Warenkorb Weitersagen Fragen zum Artikel? Zur Wunschliste hinzufügen DetailsVorliegende Bewertungen In the Napoleonic wars, an officer finds an old book which tells his grandfather's story: Alfons van Worden, a captain in the Wallonian guard. A man of honor and courage, he seeks the shortest route through the Sierra Morena. At an inn, the Venta Quemada, he dines with two Islamic princesses. They call him their cousin and seduce him; he wakes up next to corpses, under a gallows. He meets a hermit priest and a goatherd; each tells his story. He wakes up again, by the gallows. He's rescued from the Inquisition, meets a cabalist and hears more stories within stories, usually of love. He returns to Venta Quemada; the women await with astonishing news. DVD-R is in Polish with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 182 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality! Geben Sie eine Produktbewertung ab. Ähnliche Produkte AGENT NR. 1 (1972) * with switchable English... $13.99 AUSTERIA (1982) * with hard-encoded English s... $13.99 EROICA (1958) * with switchable English subti... $13.99 KORCZAK (1990) * with switchable English and... $13.99 KRZYZACY (The Knights of the Teutonic Order)... $13.99 MAN ON THE TRACKS (Czlowiek na Torze) (1956)... $13.99 MEDIUM (1985) * with switchable English subtit... $13.99 MIRACLE ON THE VISTULA (1921) + FOR YOU, POLAN... $13.99 MOCNY CZLOWIEK (1929) * with hard-encoded Eng... $12.99 OSTATNI ETAP (The Last Stage) (1947) * with sw... $13.99 < > Benutzer, die diesen Artikel gekauft haben, haben auch gekauft DER APFEL IST AB (The Original Sin) (1948) * w... $13.99 FRÄULEIN ELSE (1929) * with switchable Engli... $9.99 CONDOTTIERI (1937) * with switchable English... $13.99 HALLO, HALLO – HIER SPRICHT BERLIN (1932) $11.29 KASHCHEI THE IMMORTAL (1944) * with switchabl... $13.99 OCTOBER: TEN DAYS THAT SHOOK THE WORLD (Oktyabr... $13.99 DAS LIED IST AUS (The Song Is Ended) (1930) *... $9.99 O CANGACEIRO (1953) * with improved switchab... $13.99 TÄTER GESUCHT (1931) $10.49 ZWEI HERZEN IM DREIVIERTELTAKT (1930) ab $10.99 KARADJORDJE (1911) + SA VEROM U BOGA (1931) $9.99 FAHRMANN MARIA (1936) * with switchable Engli... $13.99 DER REBELL (1932) * with or without switchabl... ab $11.99 NIEMANDSLAND (1931) $9.99 BANOVIC STRAHINJA - THE FALCON (1981) * with... $13.99 WALZERKRIEG (The Battle of the Walzes) (1933)... $13.99 BRUDEFERDEN I HARDANGER (1926) + THE PHANTOM C... $13.99 FEIND IM BLUT (Enemy in the Blood) (1931) * wi... $13.99 QUE VIVA MEXICO (1933) * with switchable Engl... $9.99 EMIL UND DIE DETEKTIVE (1931) * with switchab... $13.99 QUICK (1932) *with switchable English subtitles* $13.99 REGINE (1935) * with switchable English subti... $13.99 TRENCK (1932) $10.99 DER HEILIGE BERG (The Holy Mountain) (1926) *... $13.99 ZVENIGORA (1928) * with switchable English su... $13.99 < > Tags Rekopis znaleziony w Saragossie (1)