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Thriller / Espionage

FLOWER AND SNAKE (1974) * with switchable Eng...
Masaru Konuma Writers: Oniroku Dan (novel), Y...
% $9.99

FUGA IN FRANCIA (Escape to France) (1948) *...
Directed by Mario Soldati Writing Credits (in...

Ralph Habib Writers: Hans Nicklisch (screenpla...

GEHEIMARCHIV AN DER ELBE (1963) * with German...
Kurt Jung-Alsen Writers: Peter Brock (scenari...

GIALLO (1934) * with switchable English subti...
Mario Camerini Writers: Mario Soldati (screen...

GIBRALTAR (1938) * with switchable English s...
Fyodor Otsep (as Fedor Ozep) Writers: Jacques...
% $9.99

GIER (Greed) (1924) * with hard-encoded Germa...
Erich von Stroheim Writers: June Mathis Zasu...

GOLD (1934) * with switchable English subtitl...
Karl Hartl, Writer: Rolf E. Vanloo Stars: Han...

GPU (1942) * with hard-encoded English subtitl...
Laura Solari, Will Quadflieg, Marina von Ditma...
% $9.99

H-8 (1958) * with hard-encoded English subtit...
Nikola Tanhofer Writers: Zvonimir Berkovic (id...

HAMLET (The Transgender Prince?) (1921) * wit...
Svend Gade, Heinz Schall Writers: Erwin Gepar...

HELGA, SHE WOLF OF SPILBERG (1978) * with swi...
Alain Payet (as Alain Garnier) Writers: H.L....

HELL DRIVERS (1957) * with switchable English...
Cy Endfield Writers: John Kruse (screenplay),...

HIDE AND SEEK (1964) * with switchable Spanis...
Cy Endfield Writers: Robert Foshko (screen ad...

HIMMEL OHNE STERNE (Sky Without Stars) (1956)...
Helmut Käutner Writer: Helmut Käutner (based o...
% $9.99

HOTEL SACHER (1939) * with switchable English...
Erich Engel, Sybille Schmitz, Willy Birgel and...

HUNTED (EIN KIND WAR ZEUGE) (The Stranger in Be...
Dirk Bogarde ... Chris Lloyd Jon Whiteley Jon...

IL CAVALIERE MISTERIOSO (The Mysterious Rider)...
Riccardo Freda, Mario Monicelli, Vittorio Gassm...

IM DRECK VERRECKT (Le Rapace) (Birds of Prey)...
John Carrick (novel), José Giovanni (adaptatio...

INGE UND DIE MILLIONEN (Inge and the Millions)...
Erich Engel Writers: Curt J. Braun, Emil Bur...

Franz Josef Gottlieb Writers: Karl May (writ...

LA BATAILLE DU RAIL (1946) * with switchable...
René Clément Writers: René Clément, Colette A...

LA COMTESSE PERVERSE (1974) * with switchable...
Jesús Franco (as Clifford Brown) Writers: Jes...

LA FUGGITIVA (1941) * with switchable English...
Piero Ballerini Writers: Milli Dandolo (novel...

LA FUMERIA D'OPPIO ( The Opium Den) (1947) * w...
Emilio Ghione Jr., Mariella Lotti, Emilio Cigol...