SKU 98 Availability DIE BRÜCKE (The Bridge) (1959) * with switchable English subtitles * Folker Bohnet, Fritz Wepper and Michael Hinz Be the first to review this product Reg. price: $13.99 On sale for: $9.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Winner of the 1960 Golden Globe Award, this is the world-famous film about 8 teenagers drafted into the Wehrmacht shortly before War's end and given the nonsensical order to defend their town's only bridge from being overrun by American tanks. Filled with patriotic enthusiasm, they go to their posts with the firm belief, that they will succeed in their mission. However, as one-by-one they lose their lives to the determined Americans, they start to realize the senselessness of their orders. One of the best anti-war films of its time. Bernhard Wickis berühmter Kriegsfilm wurde mehrfach ausgezeichnet und u.a. für den Oscar nominiert. Er erzählt von den letzten Kriegstagen 1945 in einer bayerischen Kleinstadt, in der sieben noch minderjährige Jungen den militärisch sinnlosen Befehl erhalten, eine Brücke vor den anrückenden US-Truppen zu verteidigen. Der einzige Erwachsene dieser Mission, Unteroffizier Heilmann, überlebt nicht lange. Allein mit ihrer Aufgabe werden die Schuljungen, einer nach dem anderen, ihr Leben lassen. Am Ende wird nur einer von ihnen die Brücke überleben. DVD-R is in German with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 98 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality! Be the first to review this product Related products DIE BRÜCKE (The Bridge) (2008) * with switch... $51.99 BATTLESHIP BISMARCK * with switchable English... $13.99 KAMERADSCHAFT (Comradeship) (1931) *with switc... $9.99 1914 - DIE LETZTEN TAGE VOR DEM WELTBRAND (193... $11.29 AIR ATTACK ON COLOGNE * with switchable Englis... $13.99 ANSCHLAG AUF BAKU (1942) $9.99 2 DVD SET: SO WEIT DIE FÜSSE TRAGEN (1959) $16.99 3 DVD SET: AM GRÜNEN STRAND DER SPREE (1960) $29.99 A TIME TO LOVE AND A TIME TO DIE (1958) * wit... $12.49 ADMIRAL CANARIS - A LIFE FOR GERMANY (1954) *... $13.99 COUP DE GRACE (1976) *with switchable English... $13.99 DER FUCHS VON PARIS (The Fox of Paris) (1957)... $13.99 IN JENEN TAGEN (In Those Days) (1947) * with s... $13.99 NACHT FIEL ÜBER GOTENHAFEN (Darkness Fell on Go... $13.99 ROTATION (1949) * with switchable English sub... $13.99 EIN MÄDCHEN AUS FLANDERN (1955) $11.29 3 DVD SET: 08/15 (1954/55) *with or withou... From $19.99 DER ARZT VON STALINGRAD (1958) (The Doctor of S... $13.99 DER LETZTE AKT (The Last Ten Days) (1955) * wi... $14.99 DER STERN VON AFRIKA (1957) The Star of Africa... From $9.99 DES TEUFELS GENERAL (The Devil's General) (1955... $13.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought DER FUCHS VON PARIS (The Fox of Paris) (1957)... $13.99 4 DVD SET: WAFFEN SS - THE WAFFEN SS IN ACTION... $44.99 DER FALL GLEIWITZ (The Gleiwitz Case) (1961) *... $13.99 KOLBERG (1945) * with switchable English, Germ... $16.99 STALINGRAD - DOGS, DO YOU WANT TO LIVE FOREVER... $14.29 NACKT UNTER WÖLFEN (Naked Among Wolves) (1963)... $13.99 TITANIC (1943) * with switchable English subti... $13.99 2 DVD SET: THE ENGLISH CIVIL WAR $21.99 3 DVD SET: 08/15 (1954/55) *with or withou... From $19.99 DER ARZT VON STALINGRAD (1958) (The Doctor of S... $13.99 GESCHLECHT IN FESSELN (Sex in Chains) (1928) *... $13.99 GERMANIN (The Story of a Colonial Deed) (1943)... $10.99 THE BATTLE FOR STALINGRAD *in English or German* $13.99 STRAFBATAILLON 999 (Punishment Battalion) (1960... From $9.99 STOSSTRUPP 1917 (Shock Troop) (1934) * with s... $15.99 STANDSCHÜTZE BRUGGLER (Militiaman Bruggler) (19... $13.99 MEIN KRIEG (1990) * with English subtitles * $13.99 AIR ATTACK ON COLOGNE * with switchable Englis... $13.99 3 DVD SET: SEVENTEEN MOMENTS OF SPRING (1973)... $18.99 TELEVISION IN WWII GERMANY + THE THIRD MAN (... $13.99 HITLERs BUNKERS + BONUS FILM $9.99 WESTERPLATTE (1967) *improved video and impr... $13.99 2 DVD SET: LIFE IN WWII FRANCE $24.99 DIE LETZTE BRÜCKE (The Last Bridge) (1954) * w... $9.99 IVAN (1932) * with switchable English subtitl... $13.99 < > Product tags Brücke (6) , DIE BRUCKE (2)