SKU 3702


Pavel Pavlov as Pavel, painter, hunchback Aleksandr Chabrov as Satan Natalya Lisenko as Esther, Sandro's mother Ivan Mozzhukhin as Pastor TalnoŃ… and his son Sandro van Gauguin Vera Orlova as Inga


Pastor Talknos furiously urges his flock to fight temptation, but he himself becomes a victim to diabolical forces; for Satan appears at his home and pushes the holy man to commit theft and to suffer a spiritual downfall.

DVD-r has Russian intertitles with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 87 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!

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TAMILLA (1927):

This Ukrainian film, whose director was Turkish, was filmed in Mardin, in southern Turkey, near the Syrian border. It is a film which strongly condemns both the decadence of Western colonial hegemony over an unknown Middle Eastern land (it is later seen that it's a French protectorate), as well as the customs and behavior of the Arab masses, whose cruel, old traditions are kept alive by the colonials wishing to keep the population in ignorance and under their control. Tamilla, the heroine of the film, has been sold into marriage by her greedy father to two different men ... at the same time. The first dupe of this dishonest transaction put down a deposit on his "property" three years before. When he returns to claim Tamilla's hand in marriage --- by now married to another --- he demands either fulfillment of the contract or the return of his money ... with interest. The father cannot --- and does not want to --- pay back the deposit, so he enlists the help of a holy man to defraud all involved. In the end, the ultimate victim of ignorance, greed, colonial corruption, and a repressive culture is Tamilla and her child.

DVD-r has Russian intertitles with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 65 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!

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