SKU 4545 Availability UPRISING IN GURIA (Djanki Guriashi) (1928) Tamari Bolqvadze, Elisabed Cherqezishvili, I. Korsunskaya, T. Gurieli, A. Mesniaev, K. Eristavi Be the first to review this product $15.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews The film tells the story of a revolt against tsarist colonial rule in 1840s Georgia. Being made during Soviet times --- and even displaying a statue of Lenin at film's ending --- it was permissable, within certain boundaries, to criticize Russian attempts to dominate its neighbors. That the same colonialism existed under the Soviets and is still being obnoxiously pursued today makes the film especially relevant for both historical and cultural reasons. DVD-r has both Georgian and English intertitles with no subtitles. Approx. 178 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality! Be the first to review this product Customers who bought this item also bought TWO FILM DVD: PENAL SERVITUDE (Katorga) (192... $16.99 New THE COSMIC VOYAGE (Kosmicheskiy reys) (1936)... $13.99 TWO FILM DVD: KASHTANKA (1926) + SAMANISHVI... $19.99 TWO FILM DVD: THE OVERCOAT (1926) + ADVENTU... $19.99 TWO FILM DVD: SATAN TRIUMPHANT (1917) + TAM... $19.99 TWO FILM DVD: THE EAGLE (1925) + THE SHEIK... $15.99 TWO FILM DVD: THE WINGS OF A SERF (1926) +... $21.99 TWO FILM DVD: TWO-BULDI-TWO (1929) + THE SE... $17.99 THREE FILM DVD: THE DIVINE COMEDY (L'Inferno)... $21.99 TWO FILM DVD: WHISTLE STOP (1963) + THE NIG... $16.99 LOSS OF SENSATION (1935) * with switchable En... $14.59 SIEGFRIED UND DAS SAGENHAFTE LIEBESLEBEN DER NI... $14.99 GLEN OR GLENDA (1953) + BLACK MASS (Messe No... $9.99 < > Product tags mutiny in guria (1)