SCANDALO (1976):
France, 1940: just prior to the German invasion. Eliane is married to a dull man and has a teenage daughter. She's an attractive woman, who's let her passion fall dorman. One evening, the pharmacy clerk makes a pass at her, thinking she is someone else. This is the spark needed to let passion overtake her and she begins an affair withthe man. Armand, the new lust in her life, makes ever-growing demands on Eliane, forcing her to have sex under the pharmacy counter and undress in front of a female employee (who is also doing Armand). In short order, Eliane becomes his sex slave. When she finally admits to herself that she is his to command, Armand then demands her teenage daughter prove she'd do anything for him.
In una cittadina della Francia, nei primi mesi del 1940, prima dell'invasione tedesca del paese, Armand, fattorino di una farmacia di proprietà di Eliane Michoud, infelicemente sposata, inizia a insidiarla e lei, dopo averlo inizialmente respinto, gli si concede. Una volta iniziata la relazione, questa assume progressivamente i connotati di un rapporto di dominio dell'uomo verso la donna, inducendola ad accettare qualunque cosa Armand le imponga, compreso persino un rapporto sessuale con la cassiera della farmacia davanti ai suoi occhi, proseguendo fino al tragico epilogo.
DVD-R is in Italian with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 101 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!
In this abbreviated version of the 90-minute original, a German village a peasant girl is pressured by her family to marry a wealthy farmer, although she's in love with her childhood sweetheart, who has recently returned from the city. Her fiancée tries to rape her on the moorland, echoing a similar tragedy that took place on the same spot hundreds of years ago during the Thirty Years War, when a Swedish soldier attacked a local woman.
Die junge Dorothee Aden wird immer wieder von dem jähzornigen Heidebauern Dietrich Eschmann umworben und bedrängt. Doch sie weist ihn ab. Als sie sich dann auch noch in ihren alten Jugendfreund Ludwig Amelung verliebt, der aus der Stadt in sein Heimatdorf zurückgekehrt ist, wird Eschmann rasend vor Eifersucht. Er lauert der ahnungslosen Dorothee nach dem Kirchgang auf und vergewaltigt sie in der Nähe eines von Rosen umrankten Heidegrabes. Genau an dieser Stelle soll sich während des Dreißigjährigen Krieges ein ähnlicher Vorfall ereignet haben: Ein schwedischer Offizier verging sich dort an dem Mädchen Wilhelmina, einer Ahnin Dorothees. Anschließend führte sie ihn ins Moor, wo beide den Tod fanden. Das aus Findlingen bestehende Grabmal erinnert an das Schicksal Wilhelminas.
DVD-R is in German with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 69 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!