The mid-1960s, Sao Paulo, Brazil: The Red Light Bandit, well-dressed and suave, breaks into elegant mansions at dawn; intimidates family members; seduces or rapes the female inhabitants of the house; and, if necessary, doesn't hesitate to kill. Upon finishing his sadistic terrorizing of the homes' inhabitants, he adds insult to injury by robbing his victims of their money and jewelry. During several of his assaults, he permits himself the luxury of having "social chats" with his victims, philosophising about the justice of people like him, who having little, steal from the rich, who have everything. The police do everything they can to catch him, even offering rewards, but nothing seems to put an end to his banditry.
Em meados da década de 60, misterioso assaltante leva pânico a residências de luxo da capital paulista. Bem vestido, Luz Vermelha invade as mansões elegantes durante a madrugada, usando uma lanterna de foco vermelho (daí a sua alcunha) e um macaco de automóvel. Após dominar a família, seduz as mulheres ou as estupra, não hesitando em matar se for preciso. Ao sair, leva dinheiro e jóias de suas vítimas. Em vários de seus assaltos, permite-se conversar 'socialmente' com suas vítimas, filosofar sobre a justiça dos que, como ele, tiram dos ricos o que não têm. A polícia faz de tudo para prendê-lo, mas ele sempre consegue se safar. Recompensas são oferecidas, sem êxito.
DVD-R is in Portuguese with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 92 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!