Artikelnummer 2188 Verfügbarkeit MISS EVELYNE, DIE BADEFEE (1929) *with switchable English subtitles* Norman Dix Writer: Norman Dix Stars: Pilar Munza, Marietta Manetti and Karl Peukert Geben Sie eine Produktbewertung ab. $13.99 Menge: In den Warenkorb Weitersagen Fragen zum Artikel? Zur Wunschliste hinzufügen DetailsVorliegende Bewertungen The daughter of an American millionaire, Ms. Evelyne, arrives at a resort in Bavaria for some rest and relaxation from her busy shopping schedule. Her beauty and charm causes the usual flock of suitors to chase after her (her “beauty and charm” being mostly green and crisp, if you know what I mean). And while no one should have to put up with the annoying pestering of suitors while taking a well-deserved break from trying on dresses and dining at the finest restaurants, Ms. Evelyne shows that concern so typical of the wealthy for their less fortunate subjects by using her money to have her newly paid lackeys make fools of her suitors. It’s all in good fun --- for her, not the superficial morons chasing after her --- and her girlfriend even takes part in the game, switching identities with her and leading the jackasses around by the nose up and down mountains and into steambaths. Finally, Ms. Evelyne meets a doctor, who is only somewhat sure of the identity of his paramour and later on, when Ms. Evelyne deigns to inform him, that he’s to be her lucky suitor, he’s enraged that she deceived him by hiding her identity. In the end, however, all’s well that ends well; for even the doctor realizes that it’s okay to play everyone for a fool as long as you have the money to pay off the injuries, both real and emotionally felt. DVD-R is in German with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 72 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality! Geben Sie eine Produktbewertung ab. Ähnliche Produkte VARIETE (1925) + HELIOGABALE (1911) *with s... $13.99 GLÜCK BEI FRAUEN (1944) $11.29 GILBERTE DE COURGENAY (1941) $11.29 GEWITTERFLUG ZU CLAUDIA (1937) $9.99 GESPRENGTE GITTER – DIE ELEFANTEN SIND LOS (1940) $10.49 2 DVD SET: HELENA (1924) * with switchable E... $27.99 DAS WANDERNDE BILD (1920) * with German inter... $13.99 DER GEISTERZUG (Ghost Train) (1927) * with swi... $9.99 DIE FRAU, NACH DER MAN SICH SEHNT (Three Loves)... $13.99 FAUST (1926) * with English subtitles * $10.99 KOHLHIESELS TÖCHTER (Kohlhiesel's Daughters) (1... $13.99 SODOM UND GOMORRHA (1922) * with switchable E... $9.99 WUNDER DER SCHÖPFUNG (Our Heavenly Bodies) (192... $13.99 DIE BERGKATZE (1921) (The Wildcat) * with swit... $13.99 ASPHALT (1929) * with switchable English subt... $13.99 BRÜDER (Brothers) (1929) * with switchable Eng... $13.99 DIE BÜCHSE DER PANDORA (Pandora's Box) (1929)... $13.99 DIE WUNDERBARE LÜGE DER NINA PETROVNA (The Wond... $13.99 ICH KÜSSE IHRE HAND, MADAME (I Kiss Your Hand)... $13.99 DAS TAGEBUCH EINER VERLORENEN (Diary of a Lost... $13.99 BOYKOTT (Primanerehre) (1930) * with or withou... ab $9.99 CYANKALI (1930) *with switchable English subt... $13.99 FRÄULEIN ELSE (1929) * with switchable Engli... $9.99 CAGLIOSTRO (1929) * with switchable English s... $13.99 MUTTER KRAUSENS FAHRT INS GLÜCK (Mother Krause'... $13.99 < > Benutzer, die diesen Artikel gekauft haben, haben auch gekauft UNTER DER LATERNE (Under the Lantern) (1928) *... $13.99 MEN CALL IT LOVE (1931) $13.99 DAS TAGEBUCH EINER VERLORENEN (Diary of a Lost... $13.99 DER GEISTERZUG (Ghost Train) (1927) * with swi... $9.99 SKANDAL UM EVA (1930) * with switchable Engli... $13.99 DAS WANDERNDE BILD (1920) * with German inter... $13.99 MAZURKA (1935) * with switchable English subt... $13.99 ATLANTIC ADVENTURE (1935) $9.99 SALTO MORTALE (1931) $9.99 DELIKATESSEN (1930) * with switchable English... $13.99 FRÄULEIN LILLI (1936) $9.99 DIE VERLIEBTE FIRMA (1932) * with switchable... $13.99 EIN LIED FÜR DICH (1933) $9.99 LIEBE IM RING (Love in the Ring) (1930) * with... $9.99 CONTRABAND (BLACKOUT) (1940) $11.29 UNTER DER SCHWARZEN STURMFAHNE (1933) $11.49 DER KOSAK UND DIE NACHTIGALL (1935) $9.99 FATHER SERGIUS (1917) + OKRAINA (1934) * with... $13.99 OPIUM (1919) * with switchable English subtit... $13.99 BRENNENDES GEHEIMNIS (The Burning Secret) (1933... $13.99 WIE SAG ICH'S MEINEM MANN (1932) * with switc... $13.99 VIKTOR UND VIKTORIA (1933) * with switchable... $14.99 LUDWIG DER ZWEITE, KÖNIG VON BAYERN (Ludwig II,... $14.99 NATHAN DER WEISE (1922) * with switchable Eng... $13.99 2 DVD SET: DER TIGER VON ESCHNAPUR and DAS IND... $24.99 < >