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War & Military Related

CHINGACHGOOK, THE GREAT SNAKE (Chingachgook, die große Schlange) (1967) * with switchable English subtitles *

Gojko Mitić Chingachgook Milan Jablonský Quick Elk, Flinker Elch Rolf Römer Deerslayer, Wildtöter Karl Zugowski Thornton, engl. Fähnrich Lilo Grahn Judith Hutter, die Tochter Andrea Drahota Wahtawa Helmut Schreiber Tom Hutter Jürgen Frohriep Harry Hurry Johannes Knittel Gespaltene Eiche Hans-Peter Pieper Chief of the Elders Heinz Klevenow Jr. Pfeilspitze - Hurone Adolf Peter Hoffmann Delewaren-Häuptling Rudolf Ulrich Englischer Corporal Horst Preusker Hauptmann Warley, engl. Offizier Karl Sturm

SKU: 6864



irected by Maurizio Pradeaux Written by Maurizio Pradeaux Arpad DeRiso Federico De Urrutia Produced by Roberto Capitani Marcello Ciriac Richard Harrison as Lt. Richard Benson / Lt. Hans Müller Pilar Velázquez as Elise Giacomo Rossi-Stuart as Major Powell Frank Braña as François Leduc Helga Liné as Marlene Schulman Antonio Casas as "La Tulipe" Klaus Kinski as Hauptsturmführer Holtz Herb Andress

SKU: 6486


CLOSELY WATCHED TRAINS (1966) * with switchable English subtitles *

Jirí Menzel Writers: Bohumil Hrabal (novel), Bohumil Hrabal (screenplay) Václav Neckár ... Milos Hrma Josef Somr Josef Somr ... výpravcí Hubicka Vlastimil Brodský Vlastimil Brodský ... rada Zednícek Vladimír Valenta Vladimír Valenta ... Prednosta stanice Alois Vachek Alois Vachek ... stanicní pomocník Novák Ferdinand Kruta Ferdinand Kruta ... fotograf Noneman, Másin strýc Jitka Scoffin Jitka Scoffin ... Mása (as Jitka Bendová) Jitka Zelenohorská Jitka Zelenohorská ... Zdenicka Svatá Nada Urbánková Nada Urbánková ... Victoria Freie Libuse Havelková Libuse Havelková ... Prednostová Kveta Fialová Kveta Fialová ... Hrabenka Pavla Marsálková Pavla Marsálková ... Matka Milada Jezková Milada Jezková ... Zdenina matka Zuzana Minichova Zuzana Minichova Václav Fiser Václav Fiser ... Zedník (as V. Fiser)

SKU: 6152


CONSPIRACY OF HEARTS (1960) * with switchable Spanish subtitles *

Lilli Palmer as Mother Katharine Sylvia Syms as Sister Mitya Yvonne Mitchell as Sister Gerta Ronald Lewis as Major Spoletti Albert Lieven as Colonel Horsten Peter Arne as Lieutenant Schmidt Nora Swinburne as Sister Tia Michael Goodliffe as Father Desmaines Megs Jenkins as Sister Constance David Kossoff as the Rabbi Jenny Laird as Sister Honoria George Coulouris as Petrelli Phyllis Neilson-Terry as Sister Elisaveta Maureen Pryor as Sister Consuela

SKU: 1088


CROWN OF FIRE (Corona de Foc) (1990) * with switchable English and Spanish subtitles *

Sergiu Nicolaescu — Captain Gorun George Alexander — the prince / twin brother of the prince Vladimir Gaitan — the king / twin brother of the king Virgil Flonda — the counselor / Time Ștefan Velniciuc — Crusader Prince Herbert Ion Rițiu — the crusader knight Norbert Simona Șomăcescu — the prince's bride, former innkeeper in Târgul Nuca Cornelia Pavlovici — the queen Roxana Gutman — the wife of Captain Paloș (mentioned Roxana Ionescu) Manuela Hărăbor — the prince's nanny Ion Marinescu — the innkeeper from Târgul Nuca Corneliu Gîrbea — the robber Trestie (mentioned Cornel Gîrbea) Ion Colan — Captain Paloș Vlad Nemes — the prince at 10 years old Aurelian Georgescu Paul Fister Constantin Paun Viorel Plavițiu — the Vartala knight

SKU: 4844


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