SKU 3124 Availability ALADDIN AND HIS MAGIC LAMP (1966) * with switchable English, German and Spanish subtitles * Boris Rytsarev; Viktor Vitkovich, Grigori Yagdfeld; Boris Bystrov; Dodo Chogovadze; Andrey Fayt; Otar Koberidze; Ekaterine Veruleishvili; Georgiy Millyar; Gusejn Sadykhov; Valentin Bryleev; Yuri Chekulayev; Otar Bilanishvili Be the first to review this product Reg. price: $13.99 On sale for: $9.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Es war einmal in einem fernen Land. “Den Kopf soll jeder verlieren, der meiner Tochter in die Augen sieht!”, befahl der Sultan von Bagdad. Hätte Aladin die Wunderlampe nicht in der unterirdischen Stadt gefunden, wäre auch er dieser grausamen Strafe zum Opfer gefallen. Doch der Dschin, der Geist der Lampe, konnte Wunderdinge geschehen lassen. Auch das Böse war in diesen Tagen voller List und Tücke: Der mächtige Zauberer Chur wollte alles tun, um das Liebesglück zwischen Aladin und der wunderschönen Prinzessin zu vereiteln. Er hatte jedoch nicht mit der Zauberkraft der Wunderlampe gerechnet. Once upon a time, in a faraway land, the Sultan of Baghdad commanded, that anyone who looked into his daughter's eyes should have his head removed from his body. Had Aladdin not found the magic lamp in an underground city, this, too, would've been his fate. But the genie of the lamp can do miraculous things. Back then, evil did not lack in trickery: the powerful sorcerer Chur was prepared to do everything possible to get the magic lamp and thwart the happiness of love between Aladdin and the princess. He didn't reckon on the power of the magic lamp, though. DVD-R is in Russian with switchable English, German and Spanish subtitles. Approx. 78 mins. 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