SKU 5272

AN HEILIGEN WASSERN (Sacred Waters) (1960) * with switchable English subtitles *

Alfred Weidenmann Writers: Jakob Christoph Heer (novel) (as J.C. Heer), Herbert Reinecker Stars: Hansjörg Felmy, Cordula Trantow, Hanns Lothar
Reg. price: $13.99
On sale for: $9.99

Water means life. But in the Swiss canton of Wallis, where it rarely rains, and where the local farmers get the precious water from the glaciers by means of a wooden pipeline, many have died to keep the water flowing. That's why the people of Wallis respectfully refer to it as "sacred water". Now, once again, an avalanche is threatening to come crashing down from the steep cliffs; and when it does, the water pipes fastened to the side of the cliff will be smashed and the fountains in the village of St. Peter will go dry. So, fate must take its course: a volunteer must scale the cliff wall to repair the damage. That's what the town's ancient laws demand.

Wasser bedeutet Leben. Doch im regenarmen Schweizer Kanton Wallis, wo die Bauern den mächtigen Gletschern das kostbare Nass in hölzernen Leitungen abringen, hat der Berg schon viele Opfer gefordert. Deshalb sprechen die Walliser ehrfürchtig vom "Heiligen Wasser". Wieder einmal droht die Lawine am Gletscherrand. Und wenn sie kommt, zerschmettert sie die Wasserleitungen an den Steilwänden und die Brunnen im Dorf St. Peter versiegen. So nimmt das Schicksal seinen Lauf: Ein Freiwilliger muss hinaus in die Wand, so bestimmt es ein uraltes Gesetz.

DVD-R is in German with switchable English subtitles.  Approx. 96 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!

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