SKU 1815

FRAUENARZT DR. PRÄTORIUS (1949) * with or without switchable English subtitles *

Karl Peter Gillmann, Curt Goetz, Valerie von Martens and Erich Ponto
Though we may be happy with the film adaptations of Curt Goetz' plays, Goetz himself was not the best choice for director of these films (his 1938 "Napoleon ist an allem Schuld" being the exception) nor probably his own best critic in these endeavours; this first production whatsoever after his return from exile (before his first stage production in 1950) is good proof.

One can imagine the success with the then German audiences of this film, as it portrays a doctor who is looking for the cure to stupidity, the stupidity that causes wars and such-like catastrophes. That is how in general this film always is summarized thereby forgetting that the basic premise of the play is a plea for humanity and human dignity; and it is just this aspect of the play that does not come alive in this adaptation. It is strenuously busy in presenting the play despite the fine acting and the witty dialogue. The films ends with a brilliant performance of Gaudeamus Igitur.

This was the first major German film project released after World War II.  People flocked to the very few cinemas in the still mostly ruined cities just to listen to the exuberant orchestral rendition of "Gaudeamus" (Let us rejoice).

DVD-R comes in two versions:

(a)  in German with NO subtitles;

(b)  in German with switchable English subtitles. 

Approx. 92 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!

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