SKU 143 Availability DER WEISSE RAUSCH (1931) Arnold Fanck Stars: Hannes Schneider, Leni Riefenstahl, Rudi Matt Be the first to review this product $9.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Die junge Berlinerin Leni treibt durch ihre Ungeschicklichkeit den Skilehrer Hannes zur Verzweiflung. Dank der Hilfe zweier nicht minder unbegabter Hamburger Zimmerleuten gelingt es ihr nichtsdestotrotz, den ersten Preis eines Gästerennens zu gewinnen. Im darauffolgenden Jahr nimmt Leni, mittlerweile eine passable Skiläuferin, gemeinsam mit Hannes an einer Fuchsjagd auf Skiern teil, deren Ziel es ist, die Skimützen der Füchse zu erbeuten. Der Spaß entwickelt sich zu einem gefährlichen Wettrennen, das aber ein gutes Ende nimmt. Another masterpiece by one of Germany's most reknown directors, Arnold Fanck (though he did almost bankrupt Universal Studios Germany with his wasteful filming of scenery in Greenland in S.O.S. Eisberg). Although made in 1931, this film still amazes today. The story is simple: Leni, a daring young girl, is visiting a ski-resort she has been to once before. The local ski-teatchers agree to organise a "fox-hunt" for her. Leni and Hannes are "the foxes", and about 40 other skiers will have to catch them, giving the two girls a 15 minute delay. It's not the story that makes this film, but the extremely spectacular, thrilling shots of skiiers doing their thing. How many of the cast members broke their bones in making this picture is a question every viewer will ask himself. On the other hand, the film also shows us the beauty and delight of skiing. If you have the chance to see this picture, don't miss it: you won't regret it, even if you are not in the least interested in skiing or sports. VERY GOOD FILM QUALITY DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH NO SUBTITLES. APPROX. 70 MINS. Be the first to review this product Related products 2 DVD SET: OLYMPIA - PARTS I & II (1936) *w... $15.99 DER SIEG DES GLAUBENS (The Victory of the Fait... $13.99 DAS BLAUE LICHT (The Blue Light) (1932) * with... $13.99 THE WHITE HELL OF PITZ PALU (1930) * with En... $13.99 TRIUMPH DES WILLENS (TRIUMPH OF THE WILL) (19... $14.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought DER HEILIGE BERG (The Holy Mountain) (1926) *... $13.99 STÜRME ÜBER DEM MONTBLANC (Storm over Mont Blan... $13.99 S.O.S. EISBERG (1933) * with switchable Engli... $13.99 2 DVD SET: WWI IN THE MOUNTAINS – BERGE IN FLA... $26.98 FRÄULEIN ELSE (1929) * with switchable Engli... $9.99 DER EWIGE TRAUM (Der König des Montblanc) (1934) $9.99 NIEMANDSLAND (1931) $9.99 DER REBELL (1932) * with or without switchabl... From $11.99 HALLO, HALLO – HIER SPRICHT BERLIN (1932) $11.29 DIE SCHWACHE STUNDE (1943) $9.99 THE ROAD TO LIFE (1931) *with switchable Engl... $13.99 2 DVD SET: AND QUIET FLOWS THE DON (1957) *... $18.99 FRAU SIXTA (1938) $9.99 FEIND IM BLUT (Enemy in the Blood) (1931) * wi... $13.99 EIN BLONDER TRAUM (A Blonde Dream) (1932) *wi... $13.99 PETERLE (1943) $9.99 DIE FALSCHE BRAUT (1944) $9.99 DER HOCHTOURIST (1942) $11.29 Mary – SIR JOHN GREIFT EIN (1931) * with Iimpr... $13.99 DAS BLAUE LICHT (The Blue Light) (1932) * with... $13.99 EMIL UND DIE DETEKTIVE (1931) * with switchab... $13.99 QUICK (1932) *with switchable English subtitles* $13.99 DER VERKAUFTE GROSSVATER (1942) $10.99 TRENCK (1932) $10.99 QUAX DER BRUCHPILOT (1941) $10.99 < >