SKU 139 Availability DER SIEG DES GLAUBENS (The Victory of the Faith) (1933) * with switchable English subtitles * Be the first to review this product $13.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Für die Reichspropagandaleitung der NSDAP drehte Leni Riefenstahl ihren ersten Parteitagsfilm, in dem bereits suggestive Einstellungen und inszenatorische Mittel aus "Triumph des Willens" vorweggenommen werden. Der Film zeigt u.a. Hitlers Fahrt durch Nürnberg, die marschierenden Verbände der SA sowie die Reaktionen der Schaulustigen. Auch wenn viele Szenen noch eher zufällig wirken, wird das Bemühen um Stilisierung im Sinne der nationalsozialistischen Ideologie deutlich sichtbar. Leni Riefenstahl’s first “Party” film for the Reich’s Propaganda Ministry, the form of which presaged scenic layouts in and funds for Triumph of the Will. Among other things, the film shows Hitler’s drive through Nuremberg, marching units of the SA, as well as the reactions of the onlookers. Although many of the scenes appear random, the efforts to appropriate them to serve the needs of Nazi ideology are clearly obvious. Quality of the film is very good VHS quality. DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH SWITCHABLE ENGLISH SUBTITLES. APPROX. 59 minutes long. REGION FREE PLEASE NOTE THAT SWITCHABLE (SOFT) SUBTITLES WILL NOT SHOW UP WHEN VIEWING THE SAMPLE BELOW. IF YOU SEE SUBTITLES, THEN THEY ARE HARD-ENCODED (meaning, they cannot be turned off when viewing the film): Be the first to review this product Related products TRIUMPH DES WILLENS (TRIUMPH OF THE WILL) (19... $14.99 EVERYDAY LIFE IN WWII GERMANY III $9.99 EVERYDAY LIFE IN WWII GERMANY II $9.99 EVERYDAY LIFE IN WWII GERMANY $9.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought TRIUMPH DES WILLENS (TRIUMPH OF THE WILL) (19... $14.99 OHM KRÜGER (1941) * with switchable English s... $10.99 2 DVD SET: OLYMPIA - PARTS I & II (1936) *w... $15.99 KOLBERG (1945) * with switchable English, Germ... $16.99 JUD SÜß (1940) * with switchable English subt... $17.99 DAS BLAUE LICHT (The Blue Light) (1932) * with... $13.99 TIEFLAND (Lowlands) (1954) * with switchable E... $13.99 MÜNCHHAUSEN (1943) *with switchable English su... $14.99 LIEBE IST ZOLLFREI (1941) $9.99 EIN TOLLER EINFALL (1932) $9.99 S.O.S. EISBERG (1933) * with switchable Engli... $13.99 LEINEN AUS IRLAND (Linen from Ireland) (1939)... $13.99 FORCES OCCULTES - THE TRUTH BEHIND FREEMASONRY... $13.99 CARL PETERS (1941) $9.99 ICH KLAGE AN (I Accuse) (1941) + ERBKRANK (The... $16.99 BATTLE FOR NORWAY (Kampf um Norwegen) (1940) *... From $9.99 REITET FÜR DEUTSCHLAND (1941) $9.99 FÜNF VON DER JAZZBAND (1932) $10.99 4 DVD SET: WAFFEN SS - THE WAFFEN SS IN ACTION... $44.99 JEW SUSS (1934) $9.99 2 DVD SET: TIH-MINH (1918) * with switchable... $19.99 40 DVD SET: GERMAN WARTIME NEWSREELS 1-40 * w... $271.99 MELODIE DES HERZENS (1929) $9.99 OBCHOD NA KORZE (THE SHOP ON MAIN STREET) (196... $9.99 ALLE TAGE IST KEIN SONNTAG (1935) $10.99 < >