Old Film Sample (Prior to 12 Apr 2017):

New Film Sample (As of 12 Apr 2017):

Old Film Sample (Prior to 12 Apr 2017):

New Film Sample (As of 12 Apr 2017):
Mary Baring is a member of a traveling theatre troupe. When she is found one day next to the body of a colleague, apparently with a convenient loss of memory to boot, all the circumstantial evidence points to her having committed the crime. At the murder trial, the theatre producer, author and actor Sir John Menier is the only one among the jurors who has doubts about her guilt.
Mary Baring ist Mitglied einer wandernden Schauspieltruppe. Als sie eines Tages ohne Gedächtnis neben der Leiche einer Kollegin gefunden wird, deuten alle Umstände darauf hin, dass sie das Verbrechen begangen hat. Beim Mordprozess ist der Theaterproduzent, -autor und -schauspieler Sir John Menier der einzige Geschworene, der bis zum Schluss Zweifel an ihrer Schuld hat.
DVD-R is in German with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 78 mins. See film samples to compare old and new video and audio quality!
NOTE: At about the 30 minute mark in the film, the sound level drops to almost zero for about a minute.
Old Film Sample (Prior to 12 Apr 2017):
New Film Sample (As of 12 Apr 2017):