SKU 354 Availability THE FIFTH OFFENSIVE (Battle of Sutjeska) (1973) * with improved switchable English subtitles * Be the first to review this product $13.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Made on the 30th anniversary of the event, the BATTLE OF SUTJESKA commemorates the German attempt to capture Marshal Tito, head of the communist partisans in Yugoslavia, and neutralize the troublesome front, which was diverting much needed combat forces from being used on the Eastern Front. Richard Burton, who plays Tito, was an admirer of the man and met him personally during the filming. One of Yugoslavia's most lavish, expensive and entertaining war films; it should not be missed by anyone interested in the genre. . DVD-R is in Serbo-Croatian with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 124 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality! REGION FREE (will play in any dvd player) Be the first to review this product Related products KOZARA (1962) * with switchable English subti... $13.99 MARS NA DRINU (1964) *with switchable Englis... $12.99 KING AND COUNTRY (1964) + THE FIGHTING RATS O... $13.99 GÖTZ VON BERLICHINGEN MIT DER EISERNEN HAND (Th... $13.99 JAN HUS - (1st Part of Hussite Trilogy) (1954)... $13.99 JAN ZIZKA - (2nd Part of Hussite Trilogy) (195... $13.99 HUT TWO WENT THE SOLDIERS (1977) + BEZHIN LUG... $13.99 HITLERs CHILDREN (1943) *with English and Spa... $13.99 HANGMEN ALSO DIE (1943) $13.99 GERMANY YEAR ZERO (Deutschland im Jahre Null)... $13.99 BANOVIC STRAHINJA - THE FALCON (1981) * with... $13.99 BOJ NA KOSOVU (1989) * with switchable Engli... $13.99 CUDOTVORNI MAC (THE MAGIC SWORD) (1950) * wit... $13.99 KARADJORDJE (1911) + SA VEROM U BOGA (1931) $9.99 RAFAL U NEBO (1958) * with English subtitles* $11.99 SEE YOU IN THE NEXT WAR (Dovidjenja u sledecem... $12.99 VOLCA NOC (Wolf’s Night) (1955) * with switc... $11.99 BATTLE OF NERETVA (1969) * with switchable En... $9.99 MANY WARS AGO (1970) * with switchable Englis... $13.99 THE GREAT TRANSPORT (Veliki Transport) (1983)... $13.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought BATTLE OF NERETVA (1969) * with switchable En... $9.99 2 DVD SET: MIHAI VITEAZUL - THE LAST CRUSADE... $19.99 VLAD TEPES - THE STORY OF DRACULA (1979) * wi... $11.99 MARS NA DRINU (1964) *with switchable Englis... $12.99 KOZARA (1962) * with switchable English subti... $13.99 DIVISIONE FOLGORE (Folgore Division) (El Alamei... $13.99 JUD SÜß (1940) * with switchable English subt... $17.99 THE FALL OF BERLIN (1949) * with switchable En... $9.99 681 A.D. – THE GLORY OF THE KHAN (1984) * wi... $11.99 THEY WHO DARE (1954) & THE FORBIDDEN CHRIST... $13.99 MACISTE IN HELL (1926) * with switchable Span... $13.99 BOJ NA KOSOVU (1989) * with switchable Engli... $13.99 EGRI CSILLAGOK (Eclipse of the Crescent Moon) (... $14.99 SUVOROV (1940) * with switchable English subt... $9.99 THE IDIOT (L'Idiot) (1946) * with switchable... $13.99 THE ASHES (Popioły) (1965) * with switchabl... $16.99 THE BATTLE OF OKINAWA (1971) * with switchabl... $13.99 DON'T TURN AROUND, MY SON (1956) * with switc... $13.99 DER TIGER VON ESCHNAPUR (1938) * with switcha... $13.99 DAS INDISCHE GRABMAL (The Indian Tomb) (1938)... $13.99 ICH WAR NEUNZEHN (1968) * with switchable Eng... $13.99 DER SCHEIDUNGSGRUND (1937) $10.39 WESTERPLATTE (1967) *improved video and impr... $13.99 DIE LETZTE BRÜCKE (The Last Bridge) (1954) * w... $9.99 DER KAMPF UM ALKAZAR (The Siege of the Alcazar)... $13.99 < >