SKU 331 Availability JAN HUS - (1st Part of Hussite Trilogy) (1954) * with hard-encoded English subtitles * Zdenek Stepánek, Karel Höger and Vlasta Matulová Be the first to review this product $13.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews This film corresponds to the first part of the big-budget Hussite Trilogy. Hus is revered for his dogged adherence to his convictions. The magic of these films is in the acting of Stepanek and in the production design. These films lavishly portray the early fifteenth century in details taken directly from artwork and chronicles of the time. Those viewers familiar with modern Prague will find their favorite landmarks only partly finished--the towers of the Tyn Church are still under construction, the Charles Bridge only has one statue, and the Old City hall lacks the Horlogue. These kind of details speak to the meticulous research that went into these films. The costumes are reminiscent of the best designs from American period films produced in the 1930's and 40's, but display a greater variety of looks. The viewer would be hard pressed to find a plain white or stone interior wall anywhere in the films. The painting on the interiors was taken from the backgrounds of illuminated manuscripts and every wall is a riot of color, geometric patterns, and even inflammatory depictions of the Pope. Medievalists and enthusiasts will value these films for the battle scenes. DVD-R IS IN CZECH WITH HARD-ENCODED, ENGLISH SUBTITLES 115 minutes long. REGION FREE (will play in any DVD player). FILM QUALITY: Very good. Be the first to review this product Related products PROTI VSEM - (3rd Part of Hussite Trilogy) (19... $13.99 JAN ZIZKA - (2nd Part of Hussite Trilogy) (195... $13.99 BARON PRASIL (1961) + THE PARSONs WIDOW (1920)... $13.99 DOBRY VOJAK SVEJK (1957) + HOTEL MODRA HVEZD... $13.99 EROTIKON (1929) * with switchable English sub... $13.99 OBCHOD NA KORZE (THE SHOP ON MAIN STREET) (196... $9.99 DER RAT DER GÖTTER (The Council of the Gods) (1... $13.99 DER STERN VON AFRIKA (1957) The Star of Africa... From $9.99 DER TIGER VON ESCHNAPUR (1959) * with switcha... $13.99 DER VERLORENE (The Lost One) (1951) *with swit... $13.99 DES TEUFELS GENERAL (The Devil's General) (1955... $13.99 DER ZINKER (The Squeaker) (1963) * with switch... $13.99 2 DVD SET: DOBRY VOJAK SVEJK + POSLUSNE HLASIM... $22.99 A DEADLY INVENTION (Vynález zkázy) (1958) * w... $13.99 BABICKA (1940) * with switchable English and... $13.99 BLAZNOVA KRONIKA (A Jester’s Tale) (1964) *... $13.99 DEMANTY NOCI (Diamonds of the Night) (1964) +... $13.99 THE LOVERS OF AN OLD CRIMINAL (1927) * with s... $13.99 UDOLI VCEL (Valley of the Bees) (1968) * with... $13.99 MARKETA LAZAROVA (1967) * with switchable Eng... $13.99 MARIJKA NEVERNICE (Marijka the Unfaithful) (19... $13.99 THE KING OF SUMAVA (Kral Sumavy) (1959) * wit... $13.99 TRANSPORT Z RAJE (Transport from Paradise) (1... $13.99 VARUJ (1947) * with switchable English subtit... $13.99 A CARRIAGE TO VIENNA (1966) * with switchable... $13.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought PROTI VSEM - (3rd Part of Hussite Trilogy) (19... $13.99 JAN ZIZKA - (2nd Part of Hussite Trilogy) (195... $13.99 LA MARSEILLAISE (1938) * with switchable Engli... $13.99 ONLY OLD MEN ARE GOING TO BATTLE (1975) * wit... $13.99 BABICKA (1940) * with switchable English and... $13.99 DER DYBBUK (1937) * with hard-encoded English... $15.99 SPIONE (1928) * with switchable English subti... $13.99 2 DVD SET: DIE NIBELUNGEN – SIEGFRIED & KRIEMH... $27.99 DER ZERBROCHENE KRUG (The Broken Jug) (1937) *... $9.99 DAS DREIMÄDERLHAUS (1958) * with switchable E... $13.99 BOYKOTT (Primanerehre) (1930) * with or withou... From $9.99 DER MANN, DER SEINEN MÖRDER SUCHT (1931) * wi... $13.99 DANTON (1931) * with switchable English subti... $13.99 A TRIP THROUGH 1930s GERMANY * with switchable... $16.99 DER GRAF VON MONTE CHRISTO (The Count of Monte... $14.99 MADAME BLAUBART (1931) $10.99 DER REBELL (1932) * with or without switchabl... From $11.99 SKANDAL UM DEN HAHN (1938) $9.99 WER NIMMT DIE LIEBE ERNST (1931) $10.49 THE FORTY-FIRST (1956) * with switchable Engli... $13.99 LUDWIG DER ZWEITE, KÖNIG VON BAYERN (Ludwig II,... $14.99 KOZIJAT ROG (The Goat Horn) (1972) * with sw... $13.99 ICH WAR NEUNZEHN (1968) * with switchable Eng... $13.99 I PROMESSI SPOSI (The Spirit and the Flesh) (1... $13.99 THE FIFTH OFFENSIVE (Battle of Sutjeska) (1973)... $13.99 < >