Artikelnummer 3458


Max Nosseck Writers: Ann Hood, Aben Kandel (adaptation), 4 more credits » Stars: Moyshe Oysher, Phyllis Hill, Joey Adams
Alter Preis: $13.99
Preis: $9.99

Leo is a survivor of the Holocaust, the trauma of which has left him with total amnesia.  He emigrates to the United States and finds work as a hotel desk clerk.  One night, a comedian who owns a bar in the hotel, gives him a drink and Leo break out in song, revealing a wonderful voice.  Partly because he's seeing a psychiatrist and partly because he receives a blow on the head from some hoodlums, Leo remembers his name is David and that he was the son of a great Jewish cantor.  He gradually recovers the memory of losing his parents.  It will be these memories, which lead him to give up a promising career as a nightclub singer to return to the synagogue.

DVD-R is in English  without subtitles.  Approx. 83 mins. + a 4 min. newsreel.  

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