SKU 5878 Availability WESTLER (1985) * with switchable English subtitles * Wieland Speck Writers: Egbert Hörmann, Wieland Speck Stars: Sigurd Rachman, Rainer Strecker, Andy Lucas Be the first to review this product $13.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews The film tells the story of a West Berliner (Felix), who meets an East Berlin resident (Thomas) on a day visit to the Sektor and falls in love with him. Felix continues to visit East Berlin to meet his new lover, but regulations require him to leave the city by Midnight on each visit and the border guards are getting rather suspicious and annoyed by his constant crossings from the West. Wanting a life together, the two plan to arrange Thomas' flight from the DDR. Thomas flies to Prague and tries to reach the West with the help of someone who arranges escapes from the Workers' Paradise. Der Film erzählt die Geschichte des West-Berliners Felix, der sich bei einem Tagesbesuch mit einem amerikanischen Bekannten in den Ost-Berliner Thomas verliebt. Jeweils kurz vor Mitternacht muss Felix nach West-Berlin zurückkehren und nach einiger Zeit werden die Grenzbeamten ob der häufigen Einreise des jungen Mannes argwöhnisch. Um ein gemeinsames Leben führen zu können, planen Felix und Thomas schließlich Thomas’ Flucht aus der DDR. Thomas fliegt nach Prag und versucht von dort aus, mittels eines Fluchthelfers in den Westen zu gelangen. DVD-R is in German with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 96 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality! Be the first to review this product Related products 491 (1964) * with switchable English and Germ... $14.99 A VIRUS KNOWS NO MORALS (1986) * with hard-en... $13.99 ANDERS ALS DU UND ICH (Different from You and M... $13.99 ANOTHER WAY (1982) * with switchable English s... $9.99 BEHIND CONVENT WALLS (1978) * with switchable... $13.99 DESTINY (1921) + MIKAEL (1924) *with Engli... $13.99 GESCHLECHT IN FESSELN (Sex in Chains) (1928) *... $13.99 GLEN OR GLENDA (1953) + BLACK MASS (Messe No... $9.99 HAMLET (The Transgender Prince?) (1921) * wit... $13.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought A VIRUS KNOWS NO MORALS (1986) * with hard-en... $13.99 100 DAYS BEFORE THE COMMAND (Sto Dney do Prika... $13.99 WE WERE ONE MAN (Nous étions un seul homme) (... $13.99 LIBIDOMANIA (Sexual Aberration) (Sesso perverso... $13.99 GERMANY YEAR ZERO (Deutschland im Jahre Null)... $13.99 THIS SPECIAL FRIENDSHIP (Les amitiés particuliè... $13.99 JAGDSZENEN AUS NIEDERBAYERN (Hunting Scenes fr... $13.99 THE DIVIDED HEART (1954) $13.99 THE FIXER (1968) $9.99 JEDER STIRBT FÜR SICH ALLEIN (Everyone Dies Alo... $13.99 2 DVD SET: HELENA (1924) * with switchable E... $27.99 PERVERSION STORY (Una sull'altra) (1969) $13.99 LUDWIG II: GLANZ UND ENDE EINES KÖNIGS (1955)... $14.99 MINOTAUR, THE WILD BEAST OF CRETE (1960) $13.99 5 DVD SET: ANY FIVE HEINZ RÜHMANN FILMS $49.99 AUS EINEM DEUTSCHEN LEBEN (Death Is My Trade) (... $14.99 THE WANDERING JEW (1933) $13.99 BEKENNTNISSE DES HOCHSTAPLERS FELIX KRULL (195... $13.99 A BRIVELE DER MAMEN (A LETTER TO MAMA) (1938)... $16.99 ROMANZE IN MOLL (Romance in a Minor Key) (1943)... $13.99 HAIE UND KLEINE FISCHE (Sharks and Little Fish... From $9.99 3 DVD SET: EVERYDAY LIFE IN WWII GERMANY (ALLTA... $26.99 CITIES AT WAR - THE DOOMED CITY: BERLIN $9.99 OPFERGANG (1944) * with improved, switchable E... $14.99 ALARM IM ZIRKUS (1954) $11.49 < >