SKU 5971 Availability DER HIMMEL IST SCHON AUSVERKAUFT (The Old Guard) (Les vieux de la vieille) (1960) * with switchable English and German subtitles * Gilles Grangier Pierre Fresnay ... Baptiste Talon Jean Gabin Jean Gabin ... Jean-Marie Péjat Noël-Noël Noël-Noël ... Blaise Poulossière Bruno Balp Bruno Balp ... L'ouvrier de la salle communale Yane Barry Yane Barry ... Mariette Paul Bisciglia Paul Bisciglia ... Jojo, le fiancé de Mariette Charles Bouillaud Charles Bouillaud ... Le fils Bleuzet Denise Carvenne Denise Carvenne ... La touriste en voiture Pierre Collet Pierre Collet ... Le livreur de bières Robert Dalban Robert Dalban ... Jérôme Ardouin, le fossoyeur André Dalibert André Dalibert ... Anselme Poulossière Guy Decomble Guy Decomble ... Le chauffeur du car Hélène Dieudonné Hélène Dieudonné ... La supérieure de 'Gouyette' Yvette Etiévant Yvette Etiévant ... Louise Paul Faivre Paul Faivre ... Léon Be the first to review this product $13.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews PLEASE NOTE: At the following points in the film, the dialogue switches from German to the original French ... 14:00 - 17:00 (3 min.); 34:30 - 35:00 (30 sec.); 55:45 - 56:15 (30 sec.); 1:06:51 - 1:07:21 (30 sec.); 1:17:40 - 1:17:50 (10 sec.) Three old men, buddies for God-knows-how-long and WWI veterans, decide to leave their village in France to go live in an allegedly fantastic old age home. Annoyed with their constant practical jokes and childish behavior, the villagers are more than happy to see them go. But after their many misadventures on the way to their new home, an unpleasant shock awaits them. Drei alte, kauzige Sauf- und Radaubrüder, die durch dick und dünn gehen, müssen bittere Erfahrungen mit der Engstirnigkeit ihrer Dorfgemeinschaft machen. Aber sie wissen sich in diesem umwerfenden komischen, rührenden und melancholisch-menschlichen Filmspaß stets ihrer Haut zu wehren. DVD-R is in German with switchable English and German subtitles. Approx. 86 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality! Be the first to review this product Related products BOULEVARD (1960) * with multiple, switchable... $13.99 ERA NOTTE A ROMA (Escape by Night) (1960) * wi... $13.99 LA VERITE (The Truth) (1960) * with switchabl... $13.99 MOON OVER MOROCCO (Les cinq gentlemen maudits)... $13.99 SWEET DECEPTIONS (I dolci inganni) (1960) * wi... $13.99 THE GOOD TIME GIRLS (Les bonnes Femmes) (1960... $14.99 THE WARRIOR EMPRESS (1960) $13.99 Customers who bought this item also bought CAGLIOSTRO (1929) * with switchable English s... $13.99 YIDL MITN FIDL (1936) * with hard-encoded Eng... $13.99 CITY GIRL (1930) $13.99 ABWEGE (The Devious Path) (1928) * with switch... $13.99 L’UOMO DALLA CROCE (The Man with the Cross) (... $15.99 COEUR FIDELE (The Faithful Heart) (1923) * wit... $9.99 BEKENNTNISSE DES HOCHSTAPLERS FELIX KRULL (195... $13.99 DIESMAL MUSS ES KAVIAR SEIN (1961) * with swi... $13.99 ABSCHIED (Farewell) (1930) * with hard-encoded... $9.99 RITT IN DIE FREIHEIT (1937) * with or without... From $9.99 DU MEIN STILLES TAL (Schweigepflicht) (1955) *... $13.99 ES WAR EINE RAUSCHENDE BALLNACHT (The Life and... $14.99 DURCH DIE WÜSTE (Across the Desert) (1935) (Kar... $13.99 DREI TAGE LIEBE (Three Days of Love) (1931) *... $13.99 ICH WILL NICHT WISSEN, WER DU BIST (I Do Not Wa... $13.99 DREYFUS (1930) *with switchable English subtitl... $14.99 DER POSTMEISTER (The Stationmaster) (1940) *wi... $9.99 2 DVD SET: THE SECRET WAR $19.99 DON QUIXOTE (1957) *with switchable multiple... $13.99 EINBRECHER (Murder for Sale) (1930) * with swi... $13.99 AM ABEND NACH DER OPER (1945) * with or withou... From $12.99 3 DVD SET: 08/15 (1954/55) *with or withou... From $19.99 GRÄFIN MARIZA (1932) $9.99 HIS WIFE'S LOVER (1931) * with hard-encoded E... $13.99 DIE TOCHTER DES SAMURAI (The Daughter of the S... $13.99 Product tags the old guard (1) , Les vieux de la vieille (1)