Vienna, 1753: Empress Maria Theresa is concerned about morality in her empire; especially where love affairs are concerned. It seems the Viennese are breeding like bunnies and she doesn't like it. She intends to put a stop to all the sex and she's looking for allies to help her. One of her court ladies, the Countess Christl Palm, recommends the young and impeccable Baron Neuhaus (whom she happens to have the hots for, by the way). If only the Countess knew, that he's the one who's been creeping into her chambermaid's room at night! One night, however, the guards discover the break-in and Neuhaus is only able to get away with difficulty. The next day, he's ordered to look into the affair. Things take a rather perverted turn, when the coat of the chambermaid's uncle is discovered, which earlier was lent to Neuhaus. The scandal's avoided, however, when the Countess explains that it was really her Neuhaus intended to visit that night and an engagement seals the deal (sounds like the start of a really promising marriage).
Wien im Jahr 1753. Kaiserin Maria Theresia sorgt sich um die Moral in ihrem Lande. Insbesondere Liebesaffären, bei denen junge Männer den Mädchen nachsteigen, will sie unterbinden und sucht dafür Mitstreiter. Ihre Hofdame, Gräfin Christl Palm, empfiehlt den jungen, tadellosen Baron Neuhaus, der ihr ebenfalls sehr gefällt. Ausgerechnet der schleicht sich nachts ins Zimmer von Christls Kammerzofe. Doch ein Posten entdeckt den Einbruch, und Neuhaus kann nur knapp entkommen. Am nächsten Tag wird er selbst beauftragt, den Fall zu untersuchen. In Verdacht gerät der Onkel der Kammerzofe, dessen Rock sich Neuhaus geliehen hatte. Christl wendet einen Skandal ab, indem sie erklärt, Neuhaus wollte in jener Nacht zu ihr, und sich mit ihm verlobt.
DVD-R is in German with no subtitles. Approx. 89 mins. See film samples for quality!