Old Photo Sample (Prior to 26 Jan 2018):

New Photo Sample (As of 26 Jan 2018):

Old Photo Sample (Prior to 26 Jan 2018):

New Photo Sample (As of 26 Jan 2018):

The young countess Beate von Dörnberg is travelling to Schönburg to the court of Duke Karl Theodor to take up residence as a lady in waiting. During an interruption in the journey while the coach is being repaired, she gets to know two actors. The younger one is rather importunate, but the older one, Florian Reuther, tells her about the art of acting. The conversation is interrupted by the resumption of the journey, and the countess hopes to meet Reuther again. Duke Theodor, to whose court she is travelling, is known to take no interest in the government of his state, and to leave all state business to Minister von Creven, who oppresses and exploits the people. After Countess Beatrice arrives at court, she is assigned as lady in waiting to the Countess von Röderau. At an evening party, she attracts the attention of the Duke, who makes her an offer of marriage. Beate thus becomes his wife. Florian Reuther's troupe of travelling players arrives in Schönburg. During a discussion about the performance with Duke Karl Theodor, an attempt is made to press the young actor Peter Tamm into service in the army for the colonial wars of the Generalstaaten for which Minister von Creven has hired out Karl Theodor's army. Tamm attempts to escape, but in the process, falls from the flies onto the stage and is killed. Next day the Minister orders Florian to perform a certain piece. Florian is obliged to decline, as his principal actor is dead, for which he blames the Minister. This angers Von Creven, who strikes him in the face. Florian gets his own back at a masked ball, where he hits von Creven across the face with a riding crop . After this he is in danger, and is hidden by Beate, who has recognized him. The climax of the film is the release by the people of the comedian Melchior, who had been put under arrest. Creven thereupon has the people rounded up and demands that they surrender whoever is responsible. When this does not happen, Creven orders his captain to shoot into the crowd. The Duke wants to prevent this, but cannot get through. But the captain refuses the order in any case. Florian hears the ensuing argument and decides to intervene, dressed as the Duke, of whom he is an exact double, to order the crowd to disperse. In the role of the Duke, he also orders the arrest of the Minister, who pulls out a pistol and shoots him. Florian makes it back to the chambers of Beate, in whose arms he dies. The real Duke is shocked into awareness by these events and resolves that Florian's sacrifice shall not be in vain. He promises to take the affairs of his state seriously from now on, in which Beate will support him.
Deutschland zur Zeit des Rokoko: Die junge, hübsche Beate von Dörnberg ist in ihrer Kutsche unterwegs an den Hof des Herzogs Friedrich Theodor. Während der Fahrt schließen sich ihr zwei unbekannte, sehr galante Herren an, die, wie sich später herausstellt, Wanderschauspieler sind. Kaum ist Beate am Hofe Friedrich Theodors angekommen, muss sie erkennen, dass der Fürst das Regieren völlig seinem Staatsminister von Creven überlässt. Gemeinsam beuten sie das Volk gnadenlos aus, um des Fürsten Launen und Extravaganzen zu finanzieren. Als von Creven einen der Schauspieler des Wandertheaters in die höfische Armee zwingen will, nimmt das Unheil seinen Lauf. Der Schauspieler begeht Selbstmord, worauf Florian Reuther, der Leiter der Truppe, von Creven öffentlich für den Tod des Mannes verantwortlich macht. Es kommt zu einer Auseinandersetzung, an deren Ende Florian die Flucht ergreifen muss. Als auch einem weiteren gesuchten Schauspieler die Flucht gelingt und niemand aus der Bevölkerung bereit ist, die Fluchthelfer zu verraten, stellt von Creven ein Ultimatum: Entweder alle Gesuchten werden ausgeliefert oder er lässt das Feuer auf die Bevölkerung eröffnen.
DVD-R is in German with no subtitles. Approx. 80 mins. See film samples for audio and video quality!
Old Film Sample (Prior to 26 Jan 2018):

New Film Sample (As of 26 Jan 2018):