Old Photo Sample (Prior to 02 Jul 2016):

New Photo Sample (As of 02 Jul 2016):

Old Photo Sample (Prior to 02 Jul 2016):

New Photo Sample (As of 02 Jul 2016):

In this movie highlighting the distinct cultural differences between Vienna and Berlin, a couple fall in love and want to marry. Their uncles and aunts, however, already have different partners in mind for each of the two; but the two succeed in determining how their own lives are going to be lived (and the fact they're both going to end up well-off doesn't hurt matters at all).
Die Onkels und Tanten sind natürlich gegen die Verbindung der einander Liebenden und hätten sich für die Nichte beziehungsweise den Neffen einen anderen Partner gewünscht. Aber die Jugend richtet sich auch hier ihr Leben selbst ein, das überdies den Vorzug angenehmer Wohlhabenheit besitzt.
DVD-R is in German with no subtitles. Approx. 92 mins. See film samples for audio and video quality!
Old Film Sample (Prior to 02 Jul 2016):

New Film Sample (As of 02 Jul 2016):