SKU 6057 Availability DIE BRÜCKE (The Bridge) (2008) * with switchable English subtitles * François Goeske ... Albert Mutz Franka Potente Franka Potente ... Elfie Bauer Lars Steinhöfel Lars Steinhöfel ... Walter Forst Robert Höller Robert Höller ... Klaus Schröder Florian Heppert Florian Heppert ... Siegi Lindner Daniel Axt Daniel Axt ... Juergen Neuhaus Toni Deutsch Toni Deutsch ... Karl Baermann Alexander Becht Alexander Becht ... Ernst Scholten Paula Schramm Paula Schramm ... Paula Fink Michael Lott Michael Lott ... Standartenführer Forst Christoph Hofrichter Christoph Hofrichter ... Herr Wenninger Roman Jankovic Roman Jankovic ... American soldier Heinrich Giskes Heinrich Giskes Hedi Kriegeskotte Hedi Kriegeskotte ... Frau Mutz Arvydas Lebeliunas Arvydas Lebeliunas ... Kushner Be the first to review this product $51.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews The remake of Bernhard Wicki's classic from 1959, based on the novel by Manfred Gregor: April, 1945, shortly before the German surrender. Albert, Walter and five classmates are pulled out of high school to take part in the last stand to defend Hitler's Germany. The sixteen-year olds are ordered to defend a bridge in their small town against advancing American troops. Only their former teacher, Elfie Bauer, wishes to stop the senseless slaughter of her former students. Things, however, get out of control very quickly. Neuverfilmung von Bernhard Wickis Klassiker aus dem Jahr 1959 nach dem Roman von Manfred Gregor: April 1945, kurz vor der deutschen Kapitulation. Albert, Walter und fünf Klassenkameraden werden direkt von der Schulbank eingezogen, um im letzten Aufgebot für Hitlerdeutschland zu kämpfen. Die 16-jährigen sollen in ihrer Kleinstadt eine Brücke gegen die Einnahme durch die anrückenden Amerikaner verteidigen. Nur ihre ehemalige Lehrerin Elfie Bauer will verhindern, dass die Jungen sinnlos ihr Leben hingeben. Doch die Lage an der Brücke spitzt sich schnell zu. DVD-R is in German with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 96 mins. NOTE: This is a TV movie and there are signs of that in the film at places. See film sample for audio and video quality! Be the first to review this product Related products DIE BRÜCKE (The Bridge) (1959) * with switchab... $9.99 2 DVD SET: SCHLACHT UM MOSKAU (1985) * with s... $29.99 2 DVD SET: DIE NIBELUNGEN – SIEGFRIED & KRIEMH... $27.99 2 DVD SET: BATTLE FOR MOSCOW (1985) * with sw... $29.99 3 DVD SET: 08/15 (1954/55) *with or withou... From $19.99 A CARRIAGE TO VIENNA (1966) * with switchable... $13.99 A TIME TO LOVE AND A TIME TO DIE (1958) * wit... $12.49 ADMIRAL CANARIS - A LIFE FOR GERMANY (1954) *... $13.99 BATTLE OF NERETVA (1969) * with switchable En... $9.99 BATTLE OF THE V-1 (Missiles from Hell) (1958) $9.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought BORIS GODUNOV (1986) * with switchable Englis... $13.99 THE TURNING POINT (1945) * with switchable En... $13.99 THE HOLY INQUISITION (1974) * with switchable... $13.99 DIE TOTEN AUGEN VON LONDON (Dead Eyes of London... $13.99 SWASTIKA (1974) $13.99 A TRIP TO MARS (Himmelskibet) (1918) $13.99 DER KURIER DES ZAREN (Michael Strogoff) (1956)... $13.99 BORDELLO (1985) * with switchable English sub... $13.99 A BAD JOKE (Skvernyy anekdot) (1966) * with... $13.99 2 DVD SET: BLOOD AND HONOR - YOUTH UNDER HITLE... $22.99 THE WANDERING JEW (1933) $13.99 2 DVD SET: SEGUNDO DE CHOMON $21.99 WAFFEN SS - PART TWO: THE FOREIGN VOLUNTEERS... $13.99 2 DVD SET: PRIVATE SCHULZ (1981) $16.99 DAS MÄDCHEN JOHANNA (Joan of Arc) (1935) *with... $13.99 < > Product tags DIE BRUCKE (2)