SKU 5999 Availability DIE TOTEN AUGEN VON LONDON (Dead Eyes of London) (1961) * with switchable English subtitles * Joachim Fuchsberger ... Inspektor Larry Holt Karin Baal Karin Baal ... Eleanor "Nora" Ward, geb. Finlay Dieter Borsche Dieter Borsche ... David Judd / Mr. Lennox / Reverend Paul Dearborn Wolfgang Lukschy Wolfgang Lukschy ... Stephan Judd Eddi Arent Eddi Arent ... Sergeant / Inspektor S. "Sunny" Harvey Anneli Sauli Anneli Sauli ... Fanny Weldon (as Ann Savo) Bobby Todd Bobby Todd ... Lew Norris Franz Schafheitlin Franz Schafheitlin ... Sir John Ady Berber Ady Berber ... Jacob "Der blinde Jack" Farrell (as Adi Berber) Harry Wüstenhagen Harry Wüstenhagen ... Fred "Flimmer-Fred" (German version) / Flicker-Fred (English version) Rudolf Fenner Rudolf Fenner ... Matthew "Matt" Blake Hans Paetsch Hans Paetsch ... Gordon Stuart Ida Ehre Ida Ehre ... Ella Ward Fritz Schröder-Jahn Fritz Schröder-Jahn ... Sir John Archibald Klaus Kinski Klaus Kinski ... Edgar Strauss Be the first to review this product $13.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Scotland Yard inspector Larry Hold is confronted with a series of unsolved deaths that can't be explained as accidents anymore. He suspects the "Dead Eyes of London", a criminal gang of blind peddlers, to be responsible for the deaths and – with the support of Sunny Harvey and Nora Ward, a nurse for blind people – starts to search for "Blind Jack", the leader of the gang. Soon, Hold′s investigation leads him to the honorable Reverend Dearborn, the head of a home for the blind, and also to the attorney Judd, who had covered all the crime victims with insurance policies. Inspektor Larry Hold von Scotland Yard sieht sich einer Serie von ungeklärten Todesfällen gegenüber, die er nicht länger als Unfälle zu den Akten legen kann. Er vermutet die "toten Augen von London", eine Verbrecherbande blinder Hausierer, hinter den Taten und macht sich – unterstützt von Sunny Harvey und der Blindenpflegerin Nora Ward – auf die Suche nach dem "blinden Jack", dem Anführer der Bande. Bald führen Hold seine Ermittlungen zum ehrenwerten Reverend Dearborn, dem Leiter eines Blindenheims, und auch zum Rechtsanwalt Judd, bei dem alle Opfer der Verbrechen versichert waren. DVD-R is in German with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 95 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality! Be the first to review this product Related products DAS GEHEIMNIS DER GELBEN NARZISSEN (The Devil'... $13.99 DAS PHANTOM VON SOHO (1964) * with switchable... $9.99 DAS VERRÄTERTOR (Traitor's Gate) (1964) * with... $9.99 DEATH IN THE RED JAGUAR (1968) $13.99 DEATH IS NIMBLE; DEATH IS QUICK (Kommissar X -... $9.99 DER FÄLSCHER VON LONDON (The Forger of London)... $9.99 DER HENKER VON LONDON (The Mad Executioners) (... $13.99 DER HUND VON BLACKWOOD CASTLE (1968) * with s... $13.99 DER ROTE KREIS (The Crimson Circle) (1960) * w... $13.99 DIE BANDE DES SCHRECKENS (The Terrible People)... $13.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought DER FÄLSCHER VON LONDON (The Forger of London)... $9.99 THE DEVILS OF LOUDUN (Die Teufel von Loudun) (1... $13.99 DER RÄCHER (The Avenger) (1960) * with switc... $14.99 BORIS GODUNOV (1986) * with switchable Englis... $13.99 THE TURNING POINT (1945) * with switchable En... $13.99 DIE BRÜCKE (The Bridge) (2008) * with switch... $51.99 THE ZOMBIE WALKS (Im Banne des Unheimlichen) (... $13.99 LOUISE - A WORD OF LOVE (1972) * with switchab... $13.99 THE VAMPIRE AND THE BALLERINA (1960) * with sw... $13.99 BEAUTIES OF THE NIGHT (Les Belles de Nuit) (1... From $9.99 DAS PHANTOM VON SOHO (1964) * with switchable... $9.99 DAS VERRÄTERTOR (Traitor's Gate) (1964) * with... $9.99 DIE WEISSE SPINNE (The White Spider) (1963) *... $13.99 AN HEILIGEN WASSERN (Sacred Waters) (1960) * w... $9.99 DIARY OF A RAPE (1971) * with switchable Engli... $9.99 DER HUND VON BLACKWOOD CASTLE (1968) * with s... $13.99 DIE BANDE DES SCHRECKENS (The Terrible People)... $13.99 DER ROTE KREIS (The Crimson Circle) (1960) * w... $13.99 TEUFEL IN SEIDE (Devil in Silk) (1957) * with... $13.99 RAKKAUDEN RISTI (1946) * with switchable Engl... $13.99 LES DISPARUS DE SAINT AGIL (Boys' School) (1938... $14.99 THREE FILMS on 2 DVDs SET: ALEXANDER NEVSKY (O... $18.99 SCOTLAND YARD JAGT DR. MABUSE (1963) * with s... $13.99 DER ZINKER (The Squeaker) (1963) * with switch... $13.99 KOZIJAT ROG (The Goat Horn) (1972) * with sw... $13.99 < > Product tags the dead eyes of london (1) , dark eyes of london (1)