Am Nachmittag des Heiligen Abend verabschiedet sich Schwester Angelika von ihrem Chef, Professor Reimers, denn sie hat gekündigt. Er kann diesen Schritt nicht verstehen, und da sie eisern schweigt, bittet er sie, den Abend mit ihm und seinem Sohn Konrad zu verbringen. Der aber wollte an diesem Abend seine geschiedenen Eltern wieder versöhnen, und schickt Angelika, als sie vor der Tür steht, wieder weg. Enttäuscht und traurig fährt sie zum Flughafen, um Flugkapitän van Santen zu treffen, der sie ebenfalls eingeladen hat.
On the afternoon of Christmas Eve, Sister Angelika bids her boss, Professor Reimers, farewell, for she has quit her post. Reimers doesn’t understand the reason for this and since she won’t say a word as to why she’s quit, he asks her to spend the evening with him and his son Konrad. Konrad, however, wanted to take advantage of the holiday to bring his divorced parents back together and sends Angelika packing as soon as she reaches the house. Disappointed and sad, she drives to the airport to meet Captain van Santen, who also invited her to spend the holiday.
THERE IS A NEWSREEL ALONG WITH THE FILM, JUST AS GERMAN AUDIENCES MIGHT HAVE SEEN WHEN THE MOVIE WAS FIRST SHOWN (except this newsreel may not be contemporary to when the film was released).
DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH NO SUBTITLES (except for the Newsreel). Some softness, but overall, very good quality.