Volkstümliche Komödie um ein preisgekröntes Schwein, das in einem kleinen Dorf für turbulente Verwicklungen sorgt: Weil Bauer Lampken seine Steuerschulden nicht bezahlen will, soll seine Zuchtsau Jolanthe gepfändet werden. Doch eher will Lampken sein liebstes Schwein schlachten, bevor er es dem Finanzamt überlässt. Gemeinsam mit den anderen Dorfbewohnern stiehlt er Jolanthe aus der Obhut des Gendarms, was zahlreiche Aufregungen zur Folge hat. Aber Lampkens kluge Tochter Anna sorgt mit ihrem Verehrer Bunjes für ein versöhnliches Ende, und so überlebt Jolanthe auch das abschließende Festessen mit Doppelverlobung.
Popular comedy about a prize pig, who’s more than a tad responsible for the turbulent adventures in his small town. Because the farmer Lampken doesn’t want to pay his taxes, his prize pig Jolanthe is to be seized (can you say “pork cutlets for dinner tonight”?). But pigs will fly before Lampken will let his swine be taken away and there’ll be no pork in the treetops tonight! Together with other residents of the town, he steals Jolanthe out of the custody of the gendarmes, which leads to lots of excitement, not the least of which is an argument over which wine goes best with pork: white or red. Jolanthe: the NEW white meat!
THERE IS A NEWSREEL ALONG WITH THE FILM, JUST AS GERMAN AUDIENCES MIGHT HAVE SEEN WHEN THE MOVIE WAS FIRST SHOWN (except this newsreel may not be contemporary to when the film was released).
DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH NO SUBTITLES (except for the Newsreel).
QUALITY (of feature film only):
· Sharpness of picture? - very good film quality
· Other notable issues? - tinny sound