Old Photo Sample (Prior to 05 Jul 2016):

New Photo Sample (As of 05 Jul 2016):

Old Photo Sample (Prior to 05 Jul 2016):

New Photo Sample (As of 05 Jul 2016):

During the Napoleonic occupation of the German states in 1812, a tailor by the name of Anton Wibbel is sentenced to sit in jail for insulting the Emperor. The tailor manages to get out of this by paying off a friend to go to prison in his place. But then, the "phony" prisoner suddenly dies in his cell and everyone now thinks Wibbel is dead.
Ein Schneider namens Anton Wibbel wird von zu einer Gefängnisstrafe verurteilt. Diese will ein Freund Wibbels gegen ein Entgelt für ihn absitzen, was zuerst auch gelingt. Doch dann stirbt der falsche Häftling plötzlich und unerwartet, was zu Folge hat, daß Schneider Wibbel nun als tot gilt.
DVD-R is in German with no subtitles. Approx. 78 mins. See film samples for audio and video quality!
Old Film Sample (Prior to 05 Jul 2016):

New Film Sample (As of 05 Jul 2016):