Blackwood Castle, a rundown burg in the foggy swamps near London. Here, Captain Wilson, master of the castle, has croaked. His daughter Jane arrives at the estate to claim her inheritance, but things just ain't right at the ol' pile of rocks. The attorney handling the estate is acting bizarre, even for a lawyer. He wants Jane to sign some document to sell the castle without even giving her a chance to take her coat off! Then other strange people show up and it seems they're all searching for something. But, one by one, they all fall victim to some unseen, vicious dog, which "hounds" the guests of the local inn late at night. Jane calls Sir John of Scotland Yard for help. And in spite of the fact the detective can't find his way out of a paper bag, he makes some interesting discoveries in the spooky citadel (or, to be more accurate, his secretary --- playing the amateur sleuth --- shows the veteran detective how it's done).
Blackwood Castle, ein Schloß in der nebeligen Moorlandschaft nahe London. Hier ist der Hausherr Kapitän Wilson gestorben. Seine Tochter Jane reist an, um ihr Erbe anzutreten, doch es geht auf dem Schloß nicht mit rechten Dingen zu. Der Anwalt des Kapitäns verhält sich sehr verdächtig. Jane soll undurchsichtige Dokumente unterschreiben. Andere seltsame Bekannte tauchen auf und scheinen etwas Bestimmtes zu suchen. Sie werden das Opfer eines blutrünstigen Riesenhundes, der nachts auf Menschenjagd geht. Jane ruft Sir John von Scotland Yard zur Hilfe, der eine interessante Entdeckung macht.
DVD-R is in German with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 88 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!