SKU 2420 Availability MEIN LEBEN FÜR MARIA ISABELL (1935) Erich Waschneck Writers: Friedrich Dammann, Ernst Hasselbach, and 1 more credit » Stars: Viktor de Kowa, Maria Andergast and Peter Voß (1) Add your review 4.0 1 $9.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews1 Die Geschichte eines preußischen Fähnrichs, der im Spätherbst 1918 unter Einsatz seines Lebens die zerfetzte Fahne des österreichischen Reiterregiments "Maria Isabell" rettet und in die Wiener Hofburg bringt. The story of a Prussian cadet, who, in the late Fall of 1918, risks his life to save the tattered flag of an Austrian cavalry regiment named the “Maria Isabell” and brings it back to the Wiener Hofburg. THERE IS A NEWSREEL ALONG WITH THE FILM, JUST AS GERMAN AUDIENCES MIGHT HAVE SEEN WHEN THE MOVIE WAS FIRST SHOWN (except this newsreel may not be contemporary to when the film was released). DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH NO SUBTITLES (except for the Newsreel). LENGTH OF FEATURE FILM: 69 mins. LENGTH OF NEWSREEL: 86 mins. The end of Austria Hungary, 3/29/2021 4:23 PM From: Wolfie Adventure and romance during the last days of the Danube Monarchy. Time has not been kind to this movie, picture quality is like that of a watercolor painting that had liquid spilled on it, making it look much older than 1935. Was this review helpful? 0 0 Related products LOCKVOGEL (1934) $9.99 KLEINER MANN – GANZ GROß (1938) $9.99 INTIMITATEN (1944) $11.69 ICH LIEBE DICH - BANGEN MACHEN GILT NICHT (1938) $10.49 SCHNEIDER WIBBEL (1939) * improved picture qu... $10.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought DAS ALTE RECHT (1934) $9.99 FRÜHJAHRSPARADE (1934) $9.99 CONDOTTIERI (1937) * with switchable English... $13.99 UND DAS IST DIE HAUPTSACHE (1931) $9.99 ABENTEUER EINES JUNGEN HERRN IN POLEN (1934) *... $10.49 WER KÜßT MADELEINE (1939) $9.99 GROSSE FREIHEIT NR. 7 (Port of Freedom) (1943)... $13.99 BLUTSBRÜDERSCHAFT (1941) $9.99 DER VORHANG FÄLLT (1939) $9.99 LEICHTES BLUT (1943) $10.99 LIEBESGESCHICHTEN (1943) $9.99 CAPRICCIO (1938) * with switchable English su... $13.99 MÄDCHEN IM VORZIMMER (1940) $9.99 DER STAMMBAUM DES DR. PISTORIUS (1939) $9.99 BRENNENDES GEHEIMNIS (The Burning Secret) (1933... $13.99 THE LEGEND OF WILLIAM TELL (Wilhelm Tell) (1934) $9.99 DIE WERFT ZUM GRAUEN HECHT (1935) $10.49 DAS LIED IST AUS (The Song Is Ended) (1930) *... $9.99 NORDLICHT (1938) $9.99 ICH LIEBE DICH - BANGEN MACHEN GILT NICHT (1938) $10.49 SCHUBERTS FRÜHLINGSTRAUM (1931) $9.99 AM SEIDENEN FADEN (1938) $9.99 DIE DREI VON DER TANKSTELLE (The Three from the... $9.99 DAS KLEINE HOFKONZERT (1945) $10.99 CAPRIOLEN (1937) * with or without switchable... From $11.29 < > Product tags für (20) , FUR (19)