SKU 534 Availability O ISLAM! (Wa Islamah!) (1961) * with switchable English subtitles* (1) Add your review 5.0 1 $13.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews1 This movie tells the story of the Central Asian Tatars invasion of the 14th century. Under their leader Timur, inheritor of the tradition that began with the great Mogol Khans (Genghiz Khan, Kubilai Khan), the Tatar hordes invade the Middle East and take over Persia, Azerbaijan, Iraq, and Syria. A man called Kotoz (Mahmoud) rises to lead the Egyptians against the invaders, and defeats them in the battle of "Ein Galut". يهرب جلال الدين بن خوارزم شاه ابنته جهاد وابن أخته محمود مع الشيخ سلامة بعد هزيمته أمام التتار ولكن سلامة قام مضطراً بعد أن وضع علامة في كلا الطفلين ببيعهما في سوق العبيد وبيعا هناك ودارات الأيام حتى صار قطز (محمود) مملوكاً عند الأمير عز الدين أيبك وجلنار (جهاد) راقصة عند الملكة شجرة الدر وتعرف قطز على بيبرس وهو من مماليك الأمير فارس الدين أقطاي وبدأ أيبك وأقطاي محاولاتهما للزواج من شجرة الدر للحصول على العرش فتتزوج من أيبك وتقتل أقطاي خشية انقلابه عليها وتقتل فيما بعد أيبك لأنه كان يريد العرش الأمر الذي جعل أرملة أيبك تحاول قتل شجرة الدر وبعد شجار مميت بينهما قتلتا معاً ثم وصل رسل التتار وعرش مصر خالٍ من السلطان فيتقدم قطز للعرش ويوافقه الشعب كله غير أنه تردد في دخول المعركة خوفاً على الشعب فتمكن الشيخ العز بن عبد السلام والشيخ سلامة وزوجته جلنار من إقناعه بضرورة خوض المعركة فيقرر قيادة جيش المسلمين مع بيبرس ويخوضها ضد التتار وينتصر عليهم في عين جالوت APPROXIMATELY 110 MINS. IN ARABIC WITH OPTIONAL ENGLISH SUBTITLES. Reasonable interpretation of history, 1/31/2018 4:41 AM From: Guest Probably not how many Westerners would interpret this period of history, but very interesting, at the least Was this review helpful? 0 0 Related products 1860 (1934) * with switchable English subtitl... $13.99 5 DVD SET: ROSSELLINI'S WAR FILMS * with swit... $59.99 ABUNA MESSIAS (Cardinal Massaia) (1939) * with... $13.99 ATTILA, THE SCOURGE OF GOD (1954) * with Germ... $13.99 CAVALLERIA (1936) * with switchable English s... $13.99 LA CORONA DI FERRO (The Iron Crown) (1941) * w... $13.99 SCIPIO AFRICANUS - THE DEFEAT OF HANNIBAL (1937) $13.99 SIGN OF THE GLADIATOR (1959) $13.99 HANNIBAL (1959) * with switchable English sub... $13.99 AL ZOUGA TALATTASHAR (1962) * with switchable... $13.99 HABIB AL OMR (1947) * with switchable French... $13.99 SALADIN THE VICTORIOUS (Saladin and the Great C... $19.99 THE HAUNTED HOUSE (1952) * with switchable En... $13.99 THE NIGHTINGALE’S PRAYER (1959) * with hard-e... $13.99 BAB EL HADID (Cairo Station) (1958) * with... $13.99 AL-ARD (The Land) (1969) * with switchable E... $13.99 THE SPARROW (Al-asfour) (1972) * with switch... $13.99 DAYS AND NIGHTS (Ayyam wa layali) (1955) * wit... $13.99 KAFR KASSEM (1975) * with switchable English a... $13.99 HE WALKED THROUGH THE FIELDS (1967) * with sw... $13.99 LA ANAM (Sleepless) (1957) * with switchable... $13.99 THE BAD GUYS (Duel at Alamein) (El Achrar) (19... $13.99 EMPIRE M (1972) * with switchable English and... $9.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought HABIB AL OMR (1947) * with switchable French... $13.99 THE NIGHTINGALE’S PRAYER (1959) * with hard-e... $13.99 THE HAUNTED HOUSE (1952) * with switchable En... $13.99 AL ZOUGA TALATTASHAR (1962) * with switchable... $13.99 AL-ARD (The Land) (1969) * with switchable E... $13.99 THE SPARROW (Al-asfour) (1972) * with switch... $13.99 THE BAD GUYS (Duel at Alamein) (El Achrar) (19... $13.99 EMPIRE M (1972) * with switchable English and... $9.99 PHANTOM (1922) * with English intertitles * $13.99 L’UOMO DALLA CROCE (The Man with the Cross) (... $15.99 THE REVOLT OF JOB (1983) * with switchable En... $14.99 2 DVD SET: DAS INDISCHE GRABMAL + DER TIGER VO... $22.99 BOGANCS (1959) * with switchable English subt... $13.99 KLOSTRET I SENDOMIR (1920) * with hard-encode... $13.99 DAS BLAUE LICHT (The Blue Light) (1932) * with... $13.99 STANDSCHÜTZE BRUGGLER (Militiaman Bruggler) (19... $13.99 DER GROSSE KÖNIG (The Great King) (1940) * wit... $14.99 DIE WUNDERBARE LÜGE DER NINA PETROVNA (The Wond... $13.99 CONDOTTIERI (1937) * with switchable English... $13.99 BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN (1925) + MOSKVA (1927... $13.99 SALADIN THE VICTORIOUS (Saladin and the Great C... $19.99 GERMAN WARTIME NEWSREELS 10 * with switchable... $9.99 DER DIAMANT DES ZAREN (1932) $9.99 AMPHITRYON (1935) *with switchable English su... $13.99 FAHRMANN MARIA (1936) * with switchable Engli... $13.99 < > Product tags sword of islam (1)