Sir Arthur Conan Doyle as himself (appears in a...
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Sir Arthur Conan Doyle as himself (appears in a...
Directed by Irvin Willat Written by J. Grubb...
Directed by Tod Browning Written by Tod Browni...
Directed by Victor Sjöström Written by Scree...
Andrei Kostrichkin as Akakiy Akakievich Baschma...
Directed by Ernst Lubitsch Written by Hanns...
Directed by Norton S. Parker William A. O'Co...
Lucien Nonguet Ferdinand Zecca Charles Hawtre...
Charles Clary as Dr. Ferris Doris Pawn as Barb...
Lon Chaney Erik, The Phantom of The Opera...
Directed by James Cruze Written by Walter Wood...
Directed by Carl Theodor Dreyer Elith Pio as F...
Lionel Barrymore as Mathias Caroline Frances C...
Ina Claire as Julie Cavendish Fredric March as...
Directed by Victor Seastrom Written by Frances...
Directed by John Ford Written by Peter B. Kyne...
Mabel Taliaferro as Lois Wheeler Edwin Carewe...
Ruth Roland as Sylvia Smalley Ed Brady as Lero...
Hal Skelly as Jimmie Wilson Zita Johann as Flo...
Masaki Kobayashi Writer: Kôbô Abe Kô Mishima...