Artikelnummer 4111 Verfügbarkeit DON CAMILLO (1952) * available in Italian or German with switchable English subtitles * Giovanni Guareschi, Julien Duvivier, Fernandel, Gino Cervi, Vera Talchi Geben Sie eine Produktbewertung ab. choose version Bitte wählen Italian with switchable English subtitles auf Deutsch mit englischen Untertiteln $13.99 Menge: In den Warenkorb Weitersagen Fragen zum Artikel? Zur Wunschliste hinzufügen DetailsVorliegende Bewertungen FILM SAMPLE # 1 FILM SAMPLE #2 In un piccolo paesa della Bassa Padana la vita si svolgerebbe tranquilla se le dispute tra il parroco e il sindaco comunista non fossero all'ordine del giorno. I due tentano di ostacolarsi vicendevolmente, benché fondamentalmente si stimino. Don Camillo, a causa del suo temperamento, deve subire i frequenti rimproveri del Crocefisso nella sua chiesetta. Peppone si dà anima e corpo alla costruzione di una Casa del Popolo, ma anche Don Camillo non vuole essere da meno e si dà da fare per completare la costruzione del suo oratorio. Life in a small country village in the Po Valley would probably unfold quietly were it not for the constant disputes between the town's priest and its communist mayor. The two try their best to obstruct each other, though they're basically the same. Don Camillo, because of his bad temper, frequently has to ask forgiveness from the crucifix in his church. Peppone gives body and soul to build a House of the People, but Don Camillo has no intention of being outdone in his bid to complete the contruction of his oratory. DVD-R is available either in ... Italian with switchable English subtitles; approx. 101 mins. German with switchable English subtitles; approx. 105 mins. Better quality than the Italian version (see film sample # 2 below!). NOTE: In some places in the German version, the original Italian soundtrack is heard for seconds at a time. Please choose the version you want from the drop-down menu. FILM SAMPLE # 1 FILM SAMPLE # 2 Geben Sie eine Produktbewertung ab. 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