Durante la revolución mexicana, un grupo de valientes campesinos, conocidos como los "Leones de San Pablo" se unen al ejército de Pancho Villa. Después de algunas batallas, con más derrotas que victorias, el grupo original es reducido a dos: Tiburcio Maya y el joven "Becerrillo". Una epidemia de viruela se desata entre la tropa y "Becerrillo" cae enfermo. Villa ordena a Tiburcio matar al joven e incinerar su cuerpo. Desencantado, Tiburcio abandona la revolución y regresa a su pueblo.
During the Mexican Revolution, a group of brave peasants, known as the "Lions of San Pablo" join the army of Pancho Villa. After several battles, with more defeats than victories, the original group is reduced to two: Tiburcio Maya and the young "Becerrillo". A smallpox epidemic breaks out among the troops and "Becerrillo" falls ill. Villa orders Tiburcio to kill the young man and burn his body. Disenchanted, Tiburcio abandons the revolution and returns to his village.
DVD-R is in Spanish with switchable Spanish and English subtitles. Approx. 87 mins. Excellent quality. (see sample).
Also included, as a bonus film, is the 1933 documentary, "¡Qué viva México!"
REGION FREE (will play in any DVD player)