SKU 145 Availability DIE ENTLASSUNG (Schicksalwende) (1942) Emil Jannings, Margarete Schön and Christian Kayßler, Wolfgang Liebeneiner Be the first to review this product $11.49 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews 1888: Wilhelm II. wird deutscher Kaiser. Doch bereits kurz nach der Thronbesteigung beginnen die Konflikte zwischen ihm und seinem Kanzler Fürst Bismarck. Sie finden keine gemeinsame Linie in der Außenpolitik. Der Kaiser, ein Mann von großem Geltungsbedürfnis, fühlt sich unterdrückt und durch Bismarcks starke Persönlichkeit provoziert. Die Meinungsverschiedenheiten eskalieren, und 1890 entlässt der Kaiser seinen Kanzler. Ein stark dem nationalsozialistischen Gedankengut verpflichteter Film. 1888. Wilhelm II becomes the Kaiser of Germany. But before Wilhelm can ascend to the throne, conflicts begin between himself and his chancellor, Prince Bismarck. When it comes to foreign policy, the two can't seem to agree on anything. The Kaiser, a man with a great need to always show off, feels inferior in the presence of Bismarck's strong personality and feels provoked by Bismarck's constant challenging of his policies. The differences of opinion escalate and in 1890, the Kaiser sends his chancellor packing. REGION FREE DVD-R IS IN GERMAN; NO SUBTITLES. EXCELLENT DIGITAL QUALITY. APPROX. 102 MINS. Be the first to review this product Related products BISMARCK (1940) * with switchable English and... $13.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought BISMARCK (1940) * with switchable English and... $13.99 DER ALTE UND DER JUNGE KÖNIG ( The Old and the... $13.99 OPFERGANG (1944) * with improved, switchable E... $14.99 ANDREAS SCHLÜTER (1942) * with or without swi... From $12.99 4 CD SET: MARCHES OF THE WEHRMACHT $29.99 KAMPFGESCHWADER LÜTZOW (1941) $9.99 DER GROSSE KÖNIG (The Great King) (1940) * wit... $14.99 GPU (1942) * with hard-encoded English subtitl... $9.99 TELEVISION IN WWII GERMANY + THE THIRD MAN (... $13.99 DAS UNSTERBLICHE HERZ (1939) * with switchabl... $14.99 FRIEDRICH SCHILLER - DER TRIUMPH EINES GENIES... $9.99 MADAME BLAUBART (1931) $10.99 LEINEN AUS IRLAND (Linen from Ireland) (1939)... $13.99 CARL PETERS (1941) $9.99 WEN DIE GÖTTER LIEBEN (1942) $11.49 NANON (1938) * with/without switchable Englis... From $12.99 ACHTUNG! FEIND HÖRT MIT (1940) $9.99 FRIEDEMANN BACH (1941) * with switchable Engl... $13.99 ICH KLAGE AN (I Accuse) (1941) + ERBKRANK (The... $16.99 PZKW III + PZKW IV + GERMAN PANZERS IN BATTLE $9.99 GERMANIN (The Story of a Colonial Deed) (1943)... $10.99 MARIA THERESIA (1951) $10.99 GERMAN ARMY TRAINING FILMS $11.49 FRIDERICUS - DER ALTE FRITZ (1936) * with swi... $14.99 DIE BRÜCKE (The Bridge) (1959) * with switchab... $9.99 < >