SKU 1946 Availability DIE WURGHAND (1920) * with English intertitles * Cornelius Hintner, Victor Kutschera, Carmen Cartellieri and Eugen Preiß Be the first to review this product $13.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Dame Rose is a liberal and impudent youngster who sells flowers in selected and important places for aristocrats. There she is obliged by her greedy brother Toni ( Herr Eugen Preiss ) to flirt with old and rich. She catches the eye of banker Bergern, who has a young and handsome nephew, Baron Stein. Dame Rose promptly falls in love with Stein so she continues her flirtation both men at the same time. One night, Toni forces Rose to reveal where in his house Bergern keeps his money. As Toni is robbing the house, the banker unexpectedly returns and is shot dead by Toni. Rose and Toni escape to the Austrian "Semmering" to avoid capture as well as starting a new life. DVD-R IS SILENT WITH ENGLISH INTERTITLES. Excellent quality; any defects are due to the original print and not to transfer issues. LENGTH OF FEATURE FILM: 69 mins Be the first to review this product Related products DER SINGENDE TOR (1939) $9.99 DER STAHLERNE STRAHL (1935) $9.99 DER WEG NACH RIO (1931) $9.99 DER ZINKER (1931) $10.49 DIE BANDE VOM HOHENECK (1934) $9.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought DER GEISTERZUG (Ghost Train) (1927) * with swi... $9.99 DER SCHATZ (The Treasure) (1923) * with switch... $13.99 DON DIEGO I PELAGEYA (1928) * with switchable... $13.99 DAS MÄDCHEN JOHANNA (Joan of Arc) (1935) *with... $13.99 GESCHLECHT IN FESSELN (Sex in Chains) (1928) *... $13.99 WHITE EAGLE (BYELYY ORYOL) (1928) * with swi... $13.99 THE LAST COMMAND (1928) * with English intert... $13.99 THE END OF ST. PETERSBURG (1927) (with hard-en... $13.99 KOHLHIESELS TÖCHTER (Kohlhiesel's Daughters) (1... $13.99 EIN BLONDER TRAUM (A Blonde Dream) (1932) *wi... $13.99 SO EIN MÄDEL VERGISST MAN NICHT (You Don't Forg... $13.99 DER BETTLER VOM KÖLNER DOM (The Beggar of Colog... $15.99 UNTER DER LATERNE (Under the Lantern) (1928) *... $13.99 EVE'S DAUGHTERS (Evas Töchter) (1928) $13.99 MUTTER KRAUSENS FAHRT INS GLÜCK (Mother Krause'... $13.99 EINE NACHT IM MAI (A Night in May) (1938) * w... $13.99 DIE KOFFER DES HERRN O.F. - EIN MÄRCHEN FÜR ERW... $13.99 DER HEILIGE BERG (The Holy Mountain) (1926) *... $13.99 PREMIERE (1937) * with switchable English and... $13.99 DAS HÄSSLICHE MÄDCHEN (The Ugly Girl) (1933) *... $13.99 MEINE COUSINE AUS WARSCHAU (1931) $9.99 WILHELM TELL (1923) * with English intertitles * $9.99 DAS INDISCHE GRABMAL (The Indian Tomb) (1938)... $13.99 DER PFARRER VON KIRCHFELD (1937) $10.99 CYANKALI (1930) *with switchable English subt... $13.99 < >