SKU 2805 Availability SO EIN MÄDEL VERGISST MAN NICHT (You Don't Forget Such a Girl) (1932) * with switchable English subtitles * Fritz Kortner Writer: Hans Wilhelm Stars: Willi Forst, Dolly Haas, Oskar Sima (1) Add your review 5.0 1 $13.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews1 The two unemployed actors Paul and Max are not able to find any work and are only able to survive by selling books. A theater director is prepared to give them a chance, but he doesn’t have the money to do so. So the two actors decide to meet a rich patron at the Hotel Astoria and impress him. But Paul is much more interested in impressing beautiful Lisa, who runs into him at the hotel: He overzealously plays her protector and without knowing any better, ends up slapping, of all people, the potential backer. Die beiden arbeitslosen Schauspieler Paul und Max finden partout kein Engagement und halten sich als Buchverkäufer über Wasser. Ein Theaterdirektor will ihnen eine Chance geben, doch auch ihm fehlt das nötige Geld. Deshalb sollen die beiden im Hotel Astoria einen reichen Mäzen treffen und ihn beeindrucken. Noch weit mehr will Paul allerdings der schönen Lisa imponieren, die ihm im Hotel begegnet: Übereifrig spielt er ihren Beschützer und ohrfeigt dabei nichtsahnend ausgerechnet den potenziellen Geldgeber. . DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH SWITCHABLE ENGLISH SUBTITLES LENGTH OF FEATURE FILM: 75 mins. You Don't Forget Such a Girl is a 1932 Austrian-German romantic comedy film directed by Fritz Kortner and starring Willi Forst, Dolly Haas and Oskar Sima., 4/20/2019 12:13 PM From: Music, drama and comedy are neatly integrated in this low-key backstage romance. After a lengthy spell of unemployment, leading man Paul Hartwig (Willy Forst) and leading lady Lisa Brandes (Dolly Haas) prepare to open in a big-time stage musical. Is it any surprise that Paul and Lisa also manage to fall in love? Their story is but one of several leading to the inevitable "big opening"; other subplots involve the director, the composer, the supporting players, the chorus and the technical crew. So Ein Maedel Vergisst Man Nicht is one of the few "putting on a show" endeavors in which it appears that a real show is actually being put on. Was this review helpful? 1 0 Related products SECHS TAGE HEIMATURLAUB (1941) * IMPROVED VID... $11.29 SO ENDETE EINE LIEBE (So Ended a Great Love) (1... $13.99 EINE FRAU GENÜGT NICHT (1955) $9.99 PRINZESSIN WILDFANG (Prinzessin Sissy) (1938) $11.49 PETER VOSS, DER MILLIONENDIEB (1932) $11.49 OPERETTE (Operetta) (1940) * with switchable E... $14.99 MASKERADE (1934) * with improved switchable E... $14.99 LEISE FLEHEN MEINE LIEDER (Gently My Songs Entr... From $10.99 KÖNIGSWALZER (1935) $11.99 KARNEVAL DER LIEBE (1943) $11.49 DAS DREIMÄDERLHAUS (1958) * with switchable E... $13.99 DAS HOFKONZERT (The Court Concert) (1936) *imp... $14.99 DER KONGRESS TANZT (Congress Dances) (1931) *w... $13.99 DIE FLEDERMAUS (1972) * with switchable Engli... $14.99 DIE VERKAUFTE BRAUT (The Bartered Bride) (1932)... $9.99 EIN LIED GEHT UM DIE WELT (1933) * with impro... $13.99 THE TALES OF HOFFMANN (1951) * with switchabl... $13.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought EIN BLONDER TRAUM (A Blonde Dream) (1932) *wi... $13.99 ZWEI HERZEN IM DREIVIERTELTAKT (1930) $10.99 DAS LIED IST AUS (The Song Is Ended) (1930) *... $9.99 PETER VOSS, DER MILLIONENDIEB (1932) $11.49 DER HERR AUF BESTELLUNG (The Darling of Vienna)... $13.99 EIN STEINREICHER MANN (1932) $9.99 BRENNENDES GEHEIMNIS (The Burning Secret) (1933... $13.99 DER RAUB DER MONA LISA (The Theft of the Mona... $13.99 KÖNIGSWALZER (1935) $11.99 OPERETTE (Operetta) (1940) * with switchable E... $14.99 DIE GROSSE ATTRAKTION (1931) $9.99 BAL PARE (1940) $9.99 MAN BRAUCHT KEIN GELD (No Money Needed) (1932)... $14.99 DAS HÄSSLICHE MÄDCHEN (The Ugly Girl) (1933) *... $13.99 EIN TOLLER EINFALL (1932) $9.99 NIE WIEDER LIEBE (No More Love) (1931) * with... $13.99 CAPRICCIO (1938) * with switchable English su... $13.99 KLEINES MÄDEL – GROSSES GLÜCK (1933) $9.99 DIE – ODER KEINE (1932) $9.99 DIE ZWEI VOM SÜDEXPREß (1932) $9.99 ICH BEI TAG UND DU BEI NACHT (I by Day, You by... $13.99 MEIN HERZ RUFT NACH DIR (1934) * with switcha... $13.99 DAS ANDERE ICH (The Other I) (1941) * with swi... $13.99 DIE SCHWEBENDE JUNGFRAU (1931) $9.99 QUICK (1932) *with switchable English subtitles* $13.99 < > Product tags mädel (11) , MADEL (10) , vergißt (1)