SKU 4161 Availability MOLLENARD (Hatred) (1938) * with switchable English subtitles * Robert Siodmak Writers: Oscar Paul Gilbert (as O.P. Gilbert) , Charles Spaak Stars: Harry Baur, Albert Préjean, Gabrielle Dorziat Be the first to review this product $13.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Captain Justin Mollenard works for a company that sells armaments to the Far East. After an eventful stay in Shanghai, where he and his cargo are the victims of a malicious attack, he returns to his hometown of Dunkirk. Mollenard receives a frosty welcome from his wife Mathilde, who resents the way in which he has neglected his family for so many years. Mollenard’s only wish is to get back to sea as soon as he can, but a sudden heart-attack leaves him paralyzed and entirely in his wife’s power … DVD-R is in French with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 101 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality. Be the first to review this product Related products J’ACCUSE (I accuse) (1938) * with switchable... $13.99 LA BATAILLE DU RAIL (1946) * with switchable... $13.99 LA FIN DU MONDE (End of the World) (1931) * wit... $13.99 LA LIGNE DE DEMARCATION (1966) * with switcha... $13.99 LA MAIN DU DIABLE (1943) / WITCHES HAMMER (... $13.99 LA MARSEILLAISE (1938) * with switchable Engli... $13.99 L'ARGENT (Money) (1928) * with switchable Engl... $13.99 LE BOSSU (1959) * with switchable English sub... $13.99 LE CIEL EST A VOUS (The Woman Who Dared) (1944)... $13.99 LE CORBEAU (1943) + TOUCHEZ PAS AU GRISBI (1954) $9.99 AMOK (1934) * with switchable English and Span... $13.99 DIE GROSSE ILLUSION ( The Grand Illusion) (1937... $13.99 LE JOUR SE LEVE (Daybreak) (1939) * with hard-e... $13.99 LE TUNNEL (1933) * with switchable English su... $13.99 MACAO, L'ENFER DU JEU (Gambling Hell ) (1939)... $14.99 THE HOUSE OF ROTHSCHILD (1934) + MAYERLING (1... $12.99 UN CARNET DE BAL (1937) * with switchable Eng... $13.99 GIBRALTAR (1938) * with switchable English s... $9.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought TUMULTES (1932) * with switchable English sub... $13.99 VORUNTERSUCHUNG (1931) * with switchable Engl... $13.99 QUICK (1932) *with switchable English subtitles* $13.99 VARASTETTU KUOLEMA (1938) * with switchable E... $13.99 THOMAS L'IMPOSTEUR (1965) * with switchable E... $13.99 SUVOROV (1940) * with switchable English subt... $9.99 THE PHANTOM WAGON (La charrette fantôme) (1939)... $13.99 A PRAYER FOR KATERINA HOROVITZOVA (1965) * wi... $9.99 DAS BEKENNTNIS DER INA KAHR (Afraid to Love)... $14.99 REGINE (1935) * with switchable English subti... $13.99 KOHLHIESELS TÖCHTER (Kohlhiesel's Daughters) (1... $13.99 JUNGENS (1941) $9.99 ANGELIKA (1940) $11.29 GOLGOTHA (1935) * with switchable English subti... $14.99 OHM KRÜGER (1941) * with switchable English s... $10.99 UMWEGE ZU DIR (1945) ** IMPROVED QUALITY ** $11.99 DER DIAMANT DES ZAREN (1932) $9.99 ESCAPE INTO UNCERTAINTY - THE JEWISH REFUGEES O... $13.99 BRETTER, DIE DIE WELT BEDEUTEN (1935) $9.99 BRENNENDES GEHEIMNIS (The Burning Secret) (1933... $13.99 LUISE, KÖNIGIN VON PREUßEN (Luise, Queen of Pru... $13.99 LIEBLING DER GÖTTER (Darling of the Gods) (1930... $13.99 DIE VERKAUFTE BRAUT (The Bartered Bride) (1932)... $9.99 SO ENDETE EINE LIEBE (So Ended a Great Love) (1... $13.99 ABENTEUER AM LIDO (1933) $9.99 < > Product tags hatred (1)