SKU 1608 Availability SPIONE (1928) * with switchable English subtitles * Rudolf Klein-Rogge, Gerda Maurus and Willy Fritsch, Fritz Lang Be the first to review this product $13.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Spies (Spione) was the first independent production of German "thriller" director Fritz Lang. The years-ahead-of-its-time plotline involves Russian espionage activity in London. The mastermind is Haghi (Rudolph Klein-Rogge), a supposedly respectable carnival sideshow entertainer. Heading the good guys is Agent 326 (Willy Fritsch), with the help of defecting Russian spy Sonya (Gerda Maurus). The film moves swiftly to several potential climaxes, each one more exciting than its predecessor. Haghi's ultimate demise is a superbly staged Pirandellian vignette. Anticipating Citizen Kane by a dozen years, director Lang dispenses with all transitional dissolves and fade-outs, flat-cutting territory from one scene to another. The film was co-scripted by Lang and his then-wife Thea Von Harbou. DVD-R HAS GERMAN INTERTITLES WITH SWITCHABLE ENGLISH SUBTITLES. QUALITY (of feature film only): excellent, digital quality. LENGTH OF FEATURE FILM: 143 mins. LENGTH OF NEWSREEL: n/a Be the first to review this product Related products AMPHITRYON (1935) *with switchable English su... $13.99 DER KONGRESS TANZT (Congress Dances) (1931) *w... $13.99 SÄISON IN KAIRO (Cairo Season) (1933) * with i... $13.99 FRAU AM STEUER (1939) $9.99 DAS LEICHTE MÄDCHEN (1940) $9.99 GÖTZ VON BERLICHINGEN (1955) $10.99 ACHTUNG! FEIND HÖRT MIT (1940) $9.99 ADMIRAL CANARIS - A LIFE FOR GERMANY (1954) *... $13.99 DER VERLORENE (The Lost One) (1951) *with swit... $13.99 DIE WEISSE ROSE (White Rose) (1982) * with swi... $14.99 D-ZUG 13 HAT VERSPÄTUNG (1931) $10.99 GPU (1942) * with hard-encoded English subtitl... $9.99 NACHTS, WENN DER TEUFEL KAM (The Devil Strikes... $14.99 RESERVIERT FÜR DEN TOD (1963) $9.99 OBERST REDL (Spionage) (1955) $11.29 ABWEGE (The Devious Path) (1928) * with switch... $13.99 GESCHLECHT IN FESSELN (Sex in Chains) (1928) *... $13.99 UNTER DER LATERNE (Under the Lantern) (1928) *... $13.99 VERDUN: VISIONS OF HISTORY (1928) * with swit... $13.99 DER BETTLER VOM KÖLNER DOM (The Beggar of Colog... $15.99 DER GEISTERZUG (Ghost Train) (1927) * with swi... $9.99 DIE WEBER (The Weavers) (1927) * with switchab... $13.99 GEHEIMNISSE EINER SEELE (Secrets of a Soul) (19... $9.99 TARTUFFE (1926) * with hard-encoded English s... $13.99 EVE'S DAUGHTERS (Evas Töchter) (1928) $13.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought BALL IM METROPOL (1937) $9.99 A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH (STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN)... $9.99 2 DVD SET: IVAN THE TERRIBLE (1944/58) * wit... $25.99 JOURNEY INTO FEAR (1943) + SAHARA (1943) $11.99 HANGMEN ALSO DIE (1943) $13.99 EIN TOLLER EINFALL (1932) $9.99 DER RAUB DER MONA LISA (The Theft of the Mona... $13.99 EIN ROBINSON – DAS TAGEBUCH EINES MATROSEN (19... From $12.99 DIE HERMANNSSCHLACHT (1924) * with switchabl... $13.99 ANTON DER LETZTE (1939) $9.99 DIE TOCHTER DES SAMURAI (The Daughter of the S... $13.99 DER SOHN DER WEISSEN BERGE (The Son of the Whit... $13.99 DER BRAVE SÜNDER (The Upright Sinner) (1931) *... $13.99 GLÜCKSKINDER (1936) $10.99 DAS LEICHTE MÄDCHEN (1940) $9.99 DREIMAL HOCHZEIT (1941) $9.99 3 DVD SET: AM GRÜNEN STRAND DER SPREE (1960) $29.99 DER HERR AUF BESTELLUNG (The Darling of Vienna)... $13.99 GEHEIMNISSE EINER SEELE (Secrets of a Soul) (19... $9.99 DER HEILIGE BERG (The Holy Mountain) (1926) *... $13.99 WIENER BLUT (Vienna Blood) (1942) * with switc... $14.99 DER PRINZ VON ARKADIEN (The Prince of Arcadia)... $13.99 FRAU LUNA (1941) $11.29 MELODIE DES HERZENS (1929) $9.99 TIEFLAND (Lowlands) (1954) * with switchable E... $13.99 < >