SKU 3061 Availability CITY GIRL (1930) F.W. Murnau Writers: H.H. Caldwell (titles), Katherine Hilliker (titles), 3 more credits » Stars: Charles Farrell, Mary Duncan, David Torrence Be the first to review this product $13.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Lem, a farmer, journeys to Chicago to sell the wheat his family has grown on their farm In Minnesota. While there, he gets to know the waitress Kate. It's not long before they fall in love and get married. Lem's mother and younger sister take to Kate, but the father wants nothing to do with her, convinced she only married Lem for money. Reapers arrive at the farm and complicate matters further by hitting on Kate. Lem misreads the situation and believes Kate has the hots for the itinerant workers. Crushed and not knowing what else to do, Kate leaves the farm; Lem chases after her before it's too late. DVD-R is in English with no subtitles. Approx. 88 mins. Excellent quality. Be the first to review this product Related products A FOREIGN AFFAIR (1948) * with or without har... $13.99 ACTION IN ARABIA (1944) $10.99 APPOINTMENT IN BERLIN (1943) $10.99 ATLANTIC ADVENTURE (1935) $9.99 DARK STREETS OF CAIRO (1940) $9.99 HANGMEN ALSO DIE (1943) $13.99 MYSTERY OF EDWIN DROOD (1935) $11.99 NAZI AGENT (1942) + THE MAN WHO NEVER WAS (1956) $10.99 SEVENTH HEAVEN (7TH HEAVEN) (1927) $12.99 GLEN OR GLENDA (1953) + BLACK MASS (Messe No... $9.99 LAUGHTER THROUGH TEARS (1928) * with hard-enc... $13.99 SMOULDERING FIRES (1925) $9.99 THE LAST COMMAND (1928) * with English intert... $13.99 THE WIND (1928) * with hard-encoded English an... $11.49 UNDERWORLD (1927) $9.99 SEX (1920) $9.99 SPARROWS (1926) $13.99 THE MAN WHO LAUGHS (1928) $13.99 MIRELE EFROS (1939) * with hard-encoded Engli... $13.99 THE ROAD BACK (1937) $9.99 THE WATER GIPSIES (1932) & THE GAY DIPLOMAT... $14.99 YOU AND ME (1938) * with switchable German su... $13.99 EL DIA QUE ME QUIERAS (1935) * with switchabl... $13.99 GIVE US THIS NIGHT (1936) $13.99 STAMBOUL QUEST (1934) * with switchable Engli... $14.99 TABU: A STORY OF THE SOUTH SEAS (1931) $13.99 TEVYE (1939) * with hard-encoded English subt... $15.99 LONDON BY NIGHT (1937) $13.99 MUMMY'S BOYS (1936) $13.99 MEN CALL IT LOVE (1931) $13.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought EIN STERN FÄLLT VOM HIMMEL (1934) * with hard... $13.99 QUICK (1932) *with switchable English subtitles* $13.99 THE LAST COMMAND (1928) * with English intert... $13.99 ARIANE (1931) * with switchable English subti... $9.99 DAS LAND DES LÄCHELNS (1930) $9.99 DAS TAGEBUCH EINER VERLORENEN (Diary of a Lost... $13.99 ABWEGE (The Devious Path) (1928) * with switch... $13.99 HIS WIFE'S LOVER (1931) * with hard-encoded E... $13.99 CYANKALI (1930) *with switchable English subt... $13.99 DIE TOCHTER DES SAMURAI (The Daughter of the S... $13.99 DAS BLAUE LICHT (The Blue Light) (1932) * with... $13.99 SEHNSUCHT 202 (1932) $10.49 MEIN LEBEN FÜR IRLAND (My Life for Ireland) (19... $13.99 ZWEI KRAWATTEN (1930) $9.99 DAS LIED VOM GLÜCK (1933) $9.99 MÄDCHEN FÜR ALLES (1937) $10.29 REGINE (1935) * with switchable English subti... $13.99 MY WAY HOME (Így jöttem) (1965) * with switcha... $13.99 KOHLHIESELS TÖCHTER (Kohlhiesel's Daughters) (1... $13.99 DER UNWIDERSTEHLICHE (1937) $10.99 DAS LIED VOM LEBEN (1931) $9.99 GEHEIMNISSE EINER SEELE (Secrets of a Soul) (19... $9.99 MIT VERSIEGELTER ORDER (1938) $9.99 FRAU LUNA (1941) $11.29 BABY (1932) $9.99 < > Product tags our daily bread (1) , Unser täglich Brot (1) , Die Frau aus Chicago (1) , El pan nuestro de cada día (1) , city girl (1)