SKU 5315

SEX (1920)

Fred Niblo Writer: C. Gardner Sullivan Stars: Louise Glaum, Irving Cummings, Peggy Pearce
Reg. price: $13.99
On sale for: $9.99

Adrienne, the queen of the Frivolity Theater, is a self-centered vamp who steals other women's husbands. Her current conquest is Phillip Overman, and when Overman's wife pleads with the vamp to free her husband, Adrienne turns a deaf ear. Daisy, a chorine, is shocked by her colleague's callousness, but Adrienne asserts that she is only being practical. When she meets Pittsburgh millionaire Dave Wallace, Adrienne falls in love and casts Overman aside. Soon after their marriage, Adrienne learns that her husband is having an affair with Daisy, who is now the reigning queen of Broadway. She pleads with Daisy to release her husband, who responds by repeating the philosophy that Adrienne had given her. Despondently boarding a boat bound for Europe, Adrienne sees the Overmans, who are now happily reunited, and realizes the shallowness of her life.

DVD-R has English intertitles.  Approx. 77 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!

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