SKU 1465 Availability DIE VERKAUFTE BRAUT (The Bartered Bride) (1932) * with switchable English subtitles * Jarmila Novotna, Willy Domgraf-Fassbaender and Karl Valentin, Max Ophüls (1) Add your review 4.0 1 Reg. price: $13.99 On sale for: $9.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews1 In Max Ophüls' Lustspiel nach der gleichnamigen Oper von Smetana will der geschäftstüchtige Heiratsvermittler Kezal die Bürgermeistertochter Marie und den reichen Bauernsohn Wenzel verkuppeln. Doch beide verlieben sich in Fremde, die die böhmische Kleinstadt durchreisen. In Max Ophuls' comedy based on the opera of the same name by Smetana, the enterprising marriage broker Kezal wishes to marry off the mayor's daughter, Marie, to the rich son of a farmer, Wenzel. Both of the subjects, however, fall in love with other people, who are traveling through this Bohemian small city. DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH SWITCHABLE ENGLISH SUBTITLES. APPROX. 76 MINS. EXCELLENT FILM QUALITY OVERALL. A traveling circus breaksdown in a country village turning a wedding into a 3 ring circus!, 8/11/2019 11:59 AM From: Guest Smetana's comic opera, played earthy and fast like a piccolo for some of the earliest and funniest traces of Max Ophüls' rhapsodic lilt. "Die verkaufte Braut" or "The Bartered Bride" is a German black-and-white film from 1932. Set in a country village and with realistic characters, it tells the story of how, after a late surprise revelation, true love prevails over the combined efforts of ambitious parents and a scheming marriage broker. It is one of the earliest somewhat known German sounds films based on an opera. The director is the stylish Max Ophüls, who also made several English and French language films in his career and almost a century later he is still among the most known filmmakers from Germany from the first half of the 20th century. The cast includes a couple names that may be known to fans of that era in film, such as Wernicke, Kemp, Valentin and Karlstadt. Still I must say the one thing that makes this film stand out from its competition is not the acting, writing or direction. It is the music and the singing that elevates the complicated love stories between the characters here considerably. Everybody wants to be loved, but sadly it's rarely the case that they want to be loved by the one who loves them. I recommend "Die verkaufte Braut". 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