Artikelnummer 2525

OPERETTE (Operetta) (1940) * with switchable English subtitles; improved video and audio *

Willi Forst Writers: Axel Eggebrecht, Willi Forst Stars: Willi Forst, Maria Holst, Dora Komar

Old Photo Sample  (Prior to 29 Aug 2016):

New Photo Sample  (As of 29 Aug 2016):

Old Photo Sample  (Prior to 29 Aug 2016):

New Photo Sample  (As of 29 Aug 2016):

The young actor Franz Jauner receives a commission to direct a work at Theater an der Wien thanks to the director Marie Geistinger.  In spite of their working well together, they get into a fight and Jauner moves to the Carl Theater, where he is celebrated for his triumphs with operettas.  His carerr leads him to the court opera and then to the Ringtheater.   After a fire breaks out at his first premiere at the Ringtheater, he is sentenced to serve a few months in prison and tries in vain to enter the theater world again after his release.  Once again, it is Marie Geistinger, who gives him his chance.

Der junge Schauspieler Franz Jauner bekommt durch die Direktorin Marie Geistinger ein Engagement als Regisseur am Theater an der Wien. Trotz erfolgreicher Zusammenarbeit zerstreiten sie sich und Jauner geht ans Carl-Theater, wo er mit Operetten Triumphe feiert. Seine Karriere führt ihn an die Hofoper und danach ans Ringtheater, das er auch erwirbt.  Nach einem Brand bei seiner ersten Premiere am Ringtheater muss er für einige Monate ins Gefängnis und versucht anschließend vergeblich, wieder im Theaterbetrieb unterzukommen. Wieder ist es Marie Geistinger, die ihm eine Chance gibt. 


DVD-R is in German with switchable English subtitles.  Approx. 109 mins.  See film samples for audio and video quality!

Old Film Sample  (Prior to 29 Aug 2016):  

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New Film Sample  (As of 29 Aug 2016):

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A musician is offered a job in Vienna as stage director, but his disagreements with Maria, the aristocratic opera manager, end in abrupt firing in spite of a mutual attraction., 20.04.2019 12:08
German musical-comedy favorite Willy Forst is writer, director and star of Operetta. Produced in 1940, the film did not receive an American release until long after WW II had ended. The story concerns 19th-century impresario Franz Jauner (Forst), who battles with opera diva Marie Geistinger (Maria Holst) to win the hearts and minds of Viennese music lovers. Geistinger loses the battle, but wins the love of Jauner. Amidst several well-staged operetta vignettes, the film offers impersonations of such musical greats as Johann Strauss and Franz von Suppe. The latter character is portrayed by opera singer Leo Slezak, the father of actor Walter Slezak and grandfather of soap-opera star Erika Slezak.
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Loosely historical , 31.03.2021 17:34
Von: Wolfie
An attempt to cover several decades of the Viennese operetta scene and some of the main personalities and events, tied together with a somewhat unlikely and dysfunctional love story.
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