PLEASE NOTE: Although most of the film is in color, there are parts in black and white; thus, the reason the film sample and the photo stills do not look the same.
In addition to running for president of a European Union which needed another 40+ years to become a reality, Etienne Alexis also works as a scientist. Presently, he's enthusiastically pushing forth the idea of artificial insemination as a means of improving social relations and is very much in favor of therapy to suppress passion. His ideas are far from fringe: there are people interested in this new "religion of science" and a number of women have come forward to be impregnated via turkey baster. To celebrate this successful movement, a countess has arranged for a picnic with Etienne in the park. The busy scientist has as much interest in social events as he does in consensual, one-on-one sex; but he's dependent on the countess and so agrees to the idea. In the park is a statue of the goddess Diana, now the goddess of hunters, but formerly the protector of women looking to get pregnant. A chance encounter brings Etienne into contact with Nenette, who firmly believes in human relationships. When the sound of a shepherd's flute in the Temple of Diana causes a strong wind, an unexplained passion comes over the scientist and it isn't long before he abandons his principles of manufactured children and manipulation of personality to get it on with the peasant girl.
Zusätzlich zur Ausführung für das Präsidentenamt der Europa ist Etienne Alexis ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten an künstlichen Befruchtung als Methode zur Verbesserung der sozialen Beziehungen und führt Therapien, um Leidenschaft zu unterdrücken. Verpflichtet, eine Gräfin, wollen Etienne mit einem Picknick feiern. Der Klang der Flöte eines Hirten in den Tempel der Göttin Diana, bewirkt eine starke Wind, der die Leidenschaft der Zeichen setzt und zerstört die etablierte Ordnung. So, Alexis, im Gegensatz zu seinen Prinzipien mit dem bäuerlichen Nenette Leck.
DVD-R has both German and French audio tracks and comes with or without switchable English subtitles. Approx. 88 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!