URLAUB AUF EHRENWORT (Furlough on Parole) (1938...
Karl Ritter Writers: Walter Bloem (story), C...
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Karl Ritter Writers: Walter Bloem (story), C...
Zarah Leander, Willy Birgel and Hans Mierendorf...
Luis Trenker, Viktoria von Ballasko and Werner...
Valy Arnheim, Paul Dahlke, Heinrich George and...
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Erna Sack, Johannes Heesters and Dagny Servaes
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Karl Valentin Fürst, Kunstschütze Liesl Karls...
Wolfgang Liebeneiner, Richard Romanowsky and Ha...
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Marte Harell, Johannes Heesters and Will Dohm,...
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Gusti Huber, Siegfried Breuer and Robert Lindner
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Paul Martin, Lilian Harvey, Willy Fritsch and A...
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Emil Jannings, Werner Krauss and Viktoria von B...
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Georg Jacoby, Marika Rökk, Willy Fritsch and Ar...
Hans Deppe, Anny Ondra, Paul Klinger and Gisela...
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Arnold Fanck, Herbert A.E. Böhme, Marieluise Cl...
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E.W. Emo, Attila Hörbiger, Ferdinand Marian an...
ab $12.49
Carl Lamac, Hans H. Zerlett Writer: Hans H....
Luise Ullrich, Werner Krauss and Käthe Haack, J...