Duke Ramon rules the small duchy Abacco on the Mediterranean with great difficulty. His debts are so high, that nothing belongs to him anymore. Mircovich, a nasty rogue, is his largest creditor and is planning a coup, so he can rule the land himself. The savior in the last minute is the American Bekker, who has discovered a sulphur mine and wants to sell it to the duke for a large sum. But he refuses. The Duke manages to buy some time, because of a forged letter from a Russian grand duchess, who wants to marry him; but a few days later, he has to abdicate. Just in time, the brave grand duchess reaches Abacco under a false name and can finally save Ramon and marry him … and take on all his debts. What a catch!
In dem kleinen Herzogtum Abacco am Mittelmeer regiert Herzog Ramon unter großen Schwierigkeiten. Seine Schulden sind so hoch, daß ihm nichts mehr gehört. Mircovich, ein übler Gauner, ist sein größter Gläubiger und plant einen Staatsstreich, um selbst das Land zu beherrschen. Retter in letzter Minute ist der Amerikaner Bekker, der Schwefellager entdeckt hat und sie dem Herzog für eine hohe Summe abkaufen will. Doch der weigert sich. Durch einen gefälschten Brief der russischen Großfürstin Diana, die Ramon heiraten will, erreicht der Herzog noch einmal einen kurzen Aufschub, doch einige Tage später muß er zurücktreten. Rechtzeitig erreicht die mutige Großfürstin unter falschem Namen Abacco, um ihren Ramon endgültig zu retten und zu heiraten.
THERE IS A NEWSREEL ALONG WITH THE FILM, JUST AS GERMAN AUDIENCES MIGHT HAVE SEEN WHEN THE MOVIE WAS FIRST SHOWN (except this newsreel may not be contemporary to when the film was released).
DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH NO SUBTITLES (except for the Newsreel).
QUALITY (of feature film only):
· Sharpness of picture? - Overall, extremely good quality with some softness due age