SKU 4325 Availability ZUR CHRONIK VON GRIESHUUS (1925) * with switchable English subtitles * * IMPROVED VIDEO * Arthur Kraußneck as Burgherr von Grieshuus Paul Hartmann as Junker Hinrich Rudolf Forster as Junker Detlev Rudolf Rittner as Owe Heiken Lil Dagover as Bärbe Gertrude Welcker as Gesine Gertrud Arnold as Matte Hanspeter Peterhans as Enzio Christian Bummerstedt as Christof Josef Peterhans as Bereiter Be the first to review this product choose version In German with NO subtitles In German WITH switchable English subtitles [+$4.00] $16.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Castle Grieshuus in Holstein, shortly before 1700: The old lord of the castle has chosen is elder son Hinrich to be his heir, while younger son Detlef has moved to the city to study law. One day, the daughter of the serf Owe Heiken, Barbara, called Babbie by everyone, is attacked by marauding soldiers. At the last moment, Hinrich is able to save her from their assault. The young man falls in love with the beautiful woman and wants to marry her. His father, however, strongly objects. He considers his future daughter-in-law to be below Hinrich's station and is more than ready to disinherit the boy, if he insists on marrying Barbara. A violent confrontation takes place between Hinrich and his father and the old man drops dead. This unexpected death leads to a bitter struggle between the two unequal brothers over the inheritance. Schloss Grieshuus kurz vor 1700 in Holstein: Der alte Burgherr hat seinen lteren Sohn Hinrich zu seinem Erben erkoren, w hrend der j ngere Sohn Detlef in die Stadt gezogen ist, um dort Jura zu studieren. Eines Tages wird die Tochter des Leibeigenen Owe Heiken, Barbara, die von allen nur B rbe genannt wird, von marodierenden Soldaten berfallen. Im letzten Moment kann sie Hinrich vor den bergriffen retten. Der junge Mann verliebt sich in die sch ne Frau und will sie heiraten. Sein Vater ist jedoch strikt dagegen, er betrachtet die Schwiegertochter als unstandesgem und will Hinrich notfalls enterben. Es kommt daraufhin zu einer heftigen Auseinandersetzung zwischen Vater und Sohn, bei der der Vater stirbt. Dieser unerwartete Tod hat einen erbitterten Kampf der beiden ungleichen Br der um das Erbe zur Folge. DVD-R is in German with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 96 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality! Be the first to review this product