Excellent worker Ferenc Kocsis has been appointed manager in a state-run store. In that same store work Ilonka, a talented fashion designer; Boriska; Daniel; Klimke, a rather conservative salesman; and Glauziusz, a conscientious and honest bookkeeper. Everyone seems to love arguing more than they do working; but love will soon take the place of selfishness. Meanwhile, the store's former manager spreads the rumor that American broadcasters on Radio Free Europe are reporting that the government is going to declare the 100 Forint note worthless and whoever doesn't spend them, will not be compensated when they're replaced. He is thus trying to create a run on the store to show his former superiors that the new manager they installed in his place is incapable of keeping up with market demand (thus calling into question the validity of a planned socialist economy ... a very dangerous, and thus, counterrevolutionary thing for any manager to display in Stalinist Hungary). Friends and relatives soon besiege the story, buying up everything they can to get rid of their 100 Forint notes and causing a mass hysteria. Fortunately, in the end, the store is able to hold out until new supplies and goods arrive.
Now, which is more amazing?: the film suggesting that Radio Free America is a more trustworthy source of honest news than their own Soviet-controlled media; that the Hungarian government would replace a banknote without notice and refuse to compensate its holders for their now worthless money; or that the people wouldn't trust a socialist economy to meet their needs and that it would be impossible for a store to meet consumer demand in a planned economy? Three pretty bold assertions which somehow seemed to get past the censors and didn't result in death sentences for all involved.
Kocsis Ferenc kiváló dolgozót kinevezik az új állami áruház igazgatójává. Ilonka a tehetséges divattervező, Boriska a kedves, Dániel, a túlbuzgó, Klimkó, a konzervatív eladó és Glauziusz bácsi, a lelkiismeretes, becsületes könyvelő segíti munkáját. Ilonkával eleinte inkább csak folyton vitatkoznak, holott mindkettőjük életét a munka tölti ki. A vetélkedésből hamarosan szerelem lesz. Közben Dancs, a régi igazgató elterjeszti a rémhírt, hogy az új szocialista kereskedelem nem képes kielégíteni a keresletet. Rokonaival és barátaival felvásárlási akcióba kezdenek, ami tömeghisztériához vezet. Az új áruház azonban állja a vásárlók ostromát, amíg megérkezik az árúutánpótlás.
DVD-R is in Hungarian with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 98 mins. See film sample for film quality!
REGION FREE (will play in any DVD player)