Bimbi, that is, "Klara Takacs", is unemployed. She lives in an apartment, but has no idea how she's going to be able to pay the rent in the future. Fortunately, the landlord remembers that a previous tenant left some letters of recommendation around addressed to the director of the Tormassy Works. Since the woman has since found employment and no longer needs them, the landlord suggests Bimbi use them instead. What Bimbi doesn't know, however, is that the letters do indeed praise "her", but also state she's a bit eccentric (i.e., one sandwich short of a picnic). If you don't upset her, she won't go postal. Armed with this information, the director reluctantly hires her, only because the company owes the writer of the letters a lot of favors; but he wisely decides to exile her to the company basement. Eventually, she gets impatient and demands to know why everyone's avoiding her like yesterday's stale goulash. The director decides to forego a tranquilizer dart and instead sends her off to his son as a typist. His son, by the way, lives in the countryside in self-imposed exile, because, after finding out women only want him for daddy's money, he's come to hate everything and anything to do with the fair sex. But because his son is such a miserable farmer and will take advice from no one ("Green Acres" anyone?), all the women sent there to type up his delusional treatise on poultry farming leave after a day, because he -- and his farm -- are Hell-on-Earth. If history can repeat itself with Ms. Looney Tunes 1938, maybe the director can get her to quit. Oh, how little he knows her!
Bimbi, azaz Takács Klára munkanélküli. Albérletben lakik, és fogalma sincs arról, miből fog élni, miből fogja a számláit kifizetni. De szerencséjére az előző albérlő, akinek volt egy ajánlólevele a Tormássy művek igazgatójához, időközben bolondokházába került. Így aztán a "felhasználatlan" ajánlólevéllel jelentkezhet munkára. Mivel a levélben az áll, hogy a "hölgy egy kissé bogaras" állást nem kap, de elszegődhet a vezérigazgató fiához gépírókisasszonynak.
DVD-R is in Hungarian with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 76 mins. See film sample for sound and video quality!