SKU 2340 Availability DIE ABENTEUER DES KÖNIGS PAUSOLE (1933) Alexis Granowsky Writers: Fernand Crommelynck, Henri Jeanson, and 2 more credits » Stars: Emil Jannings, Josette Day and Sidney Fox Be the first to review this product $9.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Good King Pausole selects a wife for every day in the year, but one protests when he spends her day searching for young Princess Aline who has eloped with Giglio, a visiting airman stranded in the kingdom. Giglio comes from a modern and different world and this gives Queen for a Day some ideas about how to make her title a lasting one. DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH NO SUBTITLES. LENGTH OF FEATURE FILM: 71 mins Be the first to review this product Related products VARIETE (1925) + HELIOGABALE (1911) *with s... $13.99 KOHLHIESELS TÖCHTER (Kohlhiesel's Daughters) (1... $13.99 DER LETZTE MANN (The Last Laugh) (1924) * with... $13.99 THE LAST COMMAND (1928) * with English intert... $13.99 DIE ENTLASSUNG (Schicksalwende) (1942) $11.49 OHM KRÜGER (1941) * with switchable English s... $10.99 CARNIVAL IN FLANDERS (1935) * with switchable... $13.99 DIE GROSSE ILLUSION ( The Grand Illusion) (1937... $13.99 J’ACCUSE (I accuse) (1938) * with switchable... $13.99 LA FIN DU MONDE (End of the World) (1931) * wit... $13.99 LA MARSEILLAISE (1938) * with switchable Engli... $13.99 LE GOLEM (The Man of Stone) (1936) * with switc... $9.99 LE JOUR SE LEVE (Daybreak) (1939) * with hard-e... $13.99 LE ROMAN DE WERTHER (The Novel of Werther) (193... $13.99 LE TUNNEL (1933) * with switchable English su... $13.99 LE ROMAN D'UN TRICHEUR (Confessions of a Cheat)... $13.99 Customers who bought this item also bought DAS BLAUE VOM HIMMEL (1932) $9.99 ALLES FUR DIE FIRMA (1935) * Improved Video... $10.69 UND DAS IST DIE HAUPTSACHE (1931) $9.99 DRUNTER UND DRÜBER (1939) $9.99 LAND DER LIEBE (1937) $11.99 GRUß UND KUß - VERONIKA (1933) $10.99 EIN LIED FÜR DICH (1933) $9.99 CASANOVA HEIRATET (1940) $9.99 WER KÜßT MADELEINE (1939) $9.99 RUSSIAN SYMPHONY (1994) * with switchable Eng... $14.99 DER VETTER AUS DINGSDA (Damenwahl) (1934) $9.99 EIN STEINREICHER MANN (1932) $9.99 DIE NACHT DER GROSSEN LIEBE (1933) $10.99 VOR LIEBE WIRD GEWARNT (1937) $9.99 IST MEIN MANN NICHT FABELHAFT (1933) $10.29 DIE WEIßE MAJESTÄT (1933) $11.29 DIE KRONZEUGIN (1937) $9.99 FRÄULEIN FRAU (1934) $9.99 DIE LANDSTREICHER (1937) $9.99 MENSCHEN HINTER GITTERN (1931) $9.99 MELODIE DES HERZENS (1929) $9.99 DAS SCHLOß IM SÜDEN (1933) $9.99 DAS MÄDCHEN VON GESTERN NACHT (1938) $9.99 FRASQUITA (1934) $9.99 RENDEZVOUS IN WIEN (1936) $10.99 Product tags könig (15) , konig (18) , KONIG (14)